Swartz E.R.

Bibliographie associée

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Population genetics of Pseudobarbus phlegethon, Barbus calidus and Barbus erubescens (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) of the Olifants River System, Western Cape Province.
Thesis presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science at the University of Stellenbosch, South Africa
13381 Swartz E.R. Thesis, dissertation... 2000 # 165 p.
Threatened fishes of the world: Barbus calidus Barnard, 1938 (Cyprinidae).
Environmental Biology of Fish, 63, 3
13271 Impson N.D., Swartz E.R. Journal 2002 # 340.
Phylogeography, phylogenetics and evolution of the redfins (Teleostei, Cyprinidae, Pseudobarbus) in southern Africa.
Ph.D. thesis. Department of Genetics, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa
13262 Swartz E.R. Thesis, dissertation... 2005 # 240 p.
Sea-level changes, river capture and the evolution of populations of the Eastern Cape and fiery redfins (Pseudobarbus afer and Pseudobarbus phlegethon, Cyprinidae) across multiple river systems in South Africa.
Journal of Biogeography, 34
13254 Swartz E.R., Skelton P.H., Bloomer P. Journal 2007 # 2086-2099.
Managing, translocations and populations of yellowfih and other large cyprinid species.
In Impson N.D., Bills R. & Wolhuter L. (eds), Report to the Water Research Commission by The Yellowfish Working Group, WRC Report No. KV 212/08, 186 p.
13191 Swartz E.R. Report 2008 # 144-156.
Phylogeny and biogeography of the genus Pseudobarbus (Cyprinidae): shedding light on the drainage history of rivers associated with the Cape Floristic Region.
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 81, 1
13255 Swartz E.R., Skelton P.H., Bloomer P. Journal 2009 # 75-84.
A new species of slender stonebasher within the Hippopotamyrus ansorgii complex from the Cunene River in southern Africa (Teleostei: Mormyriformes).
Journal of Natural History, 44, 36
11241 Kramer B., Swartz E.R. Journal 2010 # 2213-2242.
A new redfin species, Pseudobarbus skeltoni (Cyprinidae, Teleostei), from the Cape Floristic Region, South Africa.
Zootaxa 3686, 5
13055 Chakona A., Swartz E.R. Journal 2013 # 565-577.
Evolutionary drivers of diversification and distribution of a southern temperate ttream fish assemblage: testing the role of historical isolation and spatial range expansion.
PLoS ONE, 8,
13260 Chakona A., Swartz E.R., Gouws G. Journal 2013 # 1-13.
Descriptions of three new species of Marcusenius Gill, 1862 (Teleostei: Mormyridae) from South Africa and Mozambique.
Zootaxa, 3780, 3
11247 Maake P.A., Gon O., Swartz E.R. Journal 2014 # 455-480.
A new species of redfin (Teleostei, Cyprinidae, Pseudobarbus) from the Verlorenvlei River system, South Africa.
ZooKeys, 453
13249 Chakona A., Swartz E.R., Skelton P.H. Journal 2014 # 121-137.
Deep genetic divergence between geographically isolated populations of the goldie barb (Barbus pallidus) in South Africa: potential taxonomic and conservation implications.
African Zoology, 50, 1
13119 Chakona A., Malherbe W.S., Gouws G., Swartz E.R. Journal 2015 # 5-10.
Using genetics to prioritise headwater stream fish populations of the Marico barb, Enteromius motebensis Steindachner 1894, for conservation action.
Koedoe, African Protected Area Conservation and Science, 59, 1
13107 van der Walt K.-A., Swartz E.R., Woodford D.J., Weyl O.L.F. Journal 2017 # 1-7.
A new species catfish, Amphilius pagei (Siluriformes: Amphiliidae) from Angola.
Zootaxa, 4420, 2
10568 Thomson A.W., Swartz E.R. Journal 2018 # 292-300.
The identity of Barbus capensis Smith, 1841 and the generic status of southern African tetraploid cyprinids (Teleostei, Cyprinidae).
European Journal of Taxonomy, 410
13023 Skelton P.H., Swartz E.R., Vreven E. Journal 2018 # 1-29.
Conservation of evolutionary patterns and processes in the Maloti minnow, Pseudobarbus quathlambae (Cyprinidae, Smiliogastrini), a narrow-range stream fish imperiled by water transfer scheme developments in the Lesotho Highlands.
Hydrobiologia, 850
13264 Swartz E.R., Bragança P.H.N., Rall J.L., Kubheka S.P., Bloomer P., Skelton P.H., Chakona A. Journal 2023 # 301-313.