Booth A.J.

Bibliographie associée

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Reproductive and feeding biology of the Natal mountain catfish, Amphilius natalensis (Siluriformes:Amphiliidae).
Environmental Biology of Fishes, 49
10576 Marriott M.S., Booth A.J., Skelton P.H. Journal 1997 # 461-470.
On the life history of a cyprinid fish, Labeo cylindricus.
Enviromental. Biology of Fishes, 55
13149 Weyl O.L.F., Booth A.J. Journal 1999 # 215-225.
Spatial aspects of the reproductive and feeding biology of the striped robber, Brycinus lateralis (Pisces: Characidae), in the Okavango Delta, Botswana.
African Zoology, 36, 1
11776 Booth A.J., McKinlay B.W. Journal 2000 # 31-40.
Induced ovulation, spawning, egg incubation, and hatching of the cyprinid Fish Labeo victorianus in captivity.
Journal of the World Aquaculture Society, 35, 3
13359 Rutaisire J., Booth A.J. Journal 2004 # 383-391.
Reproductive biology of ningu, Labeo victorianus (Pisces: Cyprinidae), in the Kagera and Sio Rivers, Uganda.
Environmental Biology of Fishes 73
13160 Rutaisire J., Booth A.J. Journal 2005 # 153-162.
Atlas of southern African freshwater fishes.
Smithiana Monograph, 2
12308 Scott L.E.P., Skelton P.H., Booth A.J., Verheust L., Harris R., Dooley J. Book 2006 # 303 p.
Validation of annulus formation in otoliths of a temperate population of adult African sharptooth catfish Clarias gariepinus using fluorochrome marking of wild fish.
Journal of Fish Biology, 73, 4
10844 Weyl O.L.F., Booth A.J. Journal 2008 # 1033-1038.
Establishment of translocated populations of smallmouth yellowfish, Labeobarbus aeneus (Pisces: Cyprinidae), in lentic and lotic habitats in the Great Fish River system, South Africa.
African Zoology, 44, 1
10707 Weyl O.L.F., Stadtlander T., Booth A.J. Journal 2009 # 93-105.
Life history strategy and population characteristics of an unexploited riverine cyprinid, Labeo capensis, in the largest impoundment in the Orange River Basin.
African Zoology, 47, 1
10708 Winker H., Weyl O.L.F., Booth A.J., Ellender B.R. Journal 2012 # 85-99.
Inter-seasonal persistence and size-structuring of two minnow species within headwater streams in the Eastern Cape, South Africa.
Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 28
13251 Kadye W.T., Booth A.J. Journal 2012 # 791-799.
Life-history characteristics of an age-validated established invasive African sharptooth catfish, Clarias gariepinus, population in a warm-temperate African impoundment.
African Zoology, 48, 2
10843 Wartenberg R., Weyl O.L.F., Booth A.J., Winker H. Journal 2013 # 318-325.
Alternative responses to predation in two headwater stream minnows is reflected in their contrasting diel activity patterns.
PLoS ONE, 9, 4
13321 Kadye W.T., Booth A.J. Journal 2014 # 1-9.