Botros G.A.

Bibliographie associée

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A comparative study on the fecundity of Tilapia nilotica L. and Tilapia zillii Gerv. from Lake Mariut (Egypt).
Revue de Zoologie et Botanique Africaine, 79
5401 Botros G.A. Journal 1969 # 280-308.
The length-weight relationship and coefficients of condition of Tilapia nilotica L. and Tilapia zillii Gerv. from Lake Mariut (Egypt).
Revue de Zoologie et Botanique Africaine, 81
5615 Botros G.A. Journal 1970 # 1-18.
Age and growth studies on Sardinella maderensis Lowe and Sardinella aurita Cuv. And Val. from the Mediterranean Sea at Alexandria (U.A.R.).
Bulletin of the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries (Cairo), 1
12805 El-Maghraby A.M., Botros G.A., Soliman I.A.M. Journal 1970 # 47-82.
Fishes of the Red Sea.
Oceanography and Marine Biology, Annual Review, 9
5813 Botros G.A. Journal 1971 # 211-348,fig.