Bowen S.H.

Bibliographie associée

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Mechanism for the digestion of detrital bacteria by the cichlid fish Sarotherodon mossambicus (Peters).
Nature, 260
7209 Bowen S.H. Journal 1976 a 137-138.
Feeding ecology of the cichlid fish Sarotherodon mossambicus in Lake Sibaya, Kwazulu.
Rhodes University, unpublished thesis
7210 Bowen S.H. Thesis, dissertation... 1976 b 135 p.
Benthic diatom distribution and grazing by Sarotherodon mossambicus in Lake Sibaya, South Africa.
Freshwater Biology, 8
7767 Bowen S.H. Journal 1978 # 449-453.
A nutritional constraint in detritivory by fishes : the stunted population of Sarotherodon mossambicus in Lake Sibaya, South Africa.
Ecological Monographs, 49
8069 Bowen S.H. Journal 1979 # 17-31.
Detrital nonprotein amino acids are the key to rapid growth of Tilapia in Lake Valencia, Venezuela.
Science, 207
8345 Bowen S.H. Journal 1980 # 1216-1218.
Digestion and assimilation of periphytic detrital aggregate by Tilapia mossambica.
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 110 (2)
8582 Bowen S.H. Journal 1981 # 239-245,2 fig.,4 tab.
Feeding, digestion and growth-qualitative considerations.
In Pullin R.S.V. & Lowe McConnell R. (eds), The biology and culture of Tilapias, Manila.
8864 Bowen S.H. Chapter 1982 # 141-156.
Behavioral and trophic plasticity of juvenile Tilapia mossambica in utilization of the unstable littoral habitat.
Environmental Biology of Fishes, 7 (4)
8865 Bowen S.H., Allanson B.R. Journal 1982 # 357-362,4 fig.
Detrital amino acids and the growth of Sarotherodon mossambicus-a reply to Dabrowski.
Acta Hydrochimica et Hydrobiologica, 12 (1)
9380 Bowen S.H. Journal 1984 # 55-59.