Chocha Manda A.

Bibliographie associée

idbiblio auteurs support annee ext. pages
Checklist of the fishes of the Kundelungu National Park (Upper Congo Basin, DR Congo): species diversity and endemicity of a poorly known ichthyofauna.
Diversity, 15, 259
12926 Abwe E.,, Snoeks J., Katemo Manda B., Mutambala P.K.,, Kalumba L.N., Bragança P.H.N., Kipanga K., Mulelenu C.M., Kayaba M.K.I., Chocha Manda A., Vreven E. Journal 2013 # 1-37.
Unravelling the evolution of Africa's drainage basins through a widespread freshwater fish, the African sharptooth catfish Clarias gariepinus.
Journal of biogeography, 2020
10864 Van Steenberge M.W., Vanhove M.P.M., Chocha Manda A., Larmuseau M.H.D., Swart B.L., Khang'Mate F., Arndt A., Hellemans B., Van Houdt J., Micha J.-C., Koblmüller S., Roodt-Wilding R., Volckaert F.A.M. Journal 2020 # 1-16.
The Cyphomyrus Myers 1960 (Osteoglossiformes: Mormyridae) of the Lufira basin (Upper Lualaba: DR Congo): a generic reassignment and the description of a new species.
Journal of Fish Biology, 96, 5
11240 Mulelenu C.M., Katemo Manda B., Decru E., Chocha Manda A., Vreven E. Journal 2020 # 1123-1141.
Nannocharax hadros, a new species from the Kalule Nord River in the Upemba National Park, Upper Congo basin.
Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, 30, 4
11947 Katemo Manda B., Snoeks J., Chocha Manda A., Vreven E. Journal 2021 # 317-330.