Nunoo F.K.E.

Bibliographie associée

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Abundance, biomass and species composition of nearshore fish assemblages in Ghana, West Africa.
African Journal of Marine Science, 28, 3 & 4
12684 Nunoo F.K.E., Eggleston D.B., Vanderpuye C.J. Journal 2006 # 689-696.
Selectivity and fish catches of gillnets in stratum VII (Yeji sector) of Lake Volta for sustainable management.
International Journal of Fisheries and Aquaculture, 4, 3
11183 Akongyuure D.N., Ofori-Danson P.K., Nunoo F.K.E. Journal 2012 # 41-54.
Growth and mortality parameters of P. senegalensis and P. typus (Sciaenidae) in nearshore waters of Benin (West Africa) and their implications for management and conservation.
Fisheries Research, 137
13489 Sossoukpè E., Nunoo F.K.E., Ofori-Danson P.K., Fiogbe E.D., Dankwa H.R. Journal 2013 a 71-80.
Food habits of two species of Pseudotolithus (Sciaenidae) off Benin (West Africa) nearshore waters and implications for management.
International Journal of Fisheries and Aquaculture, 5, 6
13493 Nunoo F.K.E., Sossoukpè E., Adite A., Fiogbe E.D. Journal 2013 # 142-151.
Population structure and reproductive parameters of the Longneck croaker, Pseudotolithus typus (Pisces, Bleeker, 1863) in nearshore waters of Benin (West Africa) and their implications for management.
Agricultural Sciences, 4, 6A
13495 Sossoukpè E., Nunoo F.K.E., Dankwa H.R. Journal 2013 b 9-18.
Population dynamics of Engraulis encrasicolus (Linnaeus, 1758) within Ghana's coastal waters.
International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies, 4, 5
12863 Amponsah S.K.K., Ofori-Danson P.K., Nunoo F.K.E. Journal 2016 # 258-263.
Population dynamics of Sardinella aurita (Val., 1847) within Ghana's coastal waters.
Research in Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, 4, 3
12914 Amponsah S.K.K., Ofori-Danson P.K., Nunoo F.K.E., Ameyaw G.A. Journal 2017 # 2327-248.