Tefera F.

Bibliographie associée

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An evidence of past introgressive hybridization between Labeobarbus ethiopicus and L. intermedius in the Ethiopina rift valley, East Africa.
Ethiopian Journal of Biological Science, 16 (Suppl.)
13201 Levin B.A., Dgebuadze Y.Y., Tefera F., Tesfaye G., Golubtsov A.S. Journal 2017 # 45-60.
First cytogenetic information for five Nilotic elephantfishes and a problem of ancestral karyotype of the family Mormyridae (Osteoglossiformes).
Comparative cytogenetics, 14, 3
11290 Simanovsky S.A., Medvedev D.A., Tefera F., Golubtsov A.S. Journal 2020 # 387-397.
Similarity of karyotype structure in three Mormyrus species (Mormyridae) from the White Nile and Omo River tributaries (Ethiopia).
Journal of Ichthyology, 61, 2
11291 Simanovsky S.A., Medvedev D.A., Tefera F., Golubtsov A.S. Journal 2021 a 323-326.
Derived karyotypes in two elephantfish genera (Hyperopisus and Pollimyrus): lowest chromosome number in the family Mormyridae (Osteoglossiformes).
Comparative cytogenetics, 15, 4
11301 Simanovsky S.A., Medvedev D.A., Tefera F., Golubtsov A.S. Journal 2021 b 345-354.
First cytogenetic data on Afrotropical lutefishes (Citharinidae) in the light of karyotype evolution in Characiformes.
Comparative Cytogenetics, 16, 2
11965 Simanovsky S.A., Medvedev D.A., Tefera F., Golubtsov A.S. Journal 2022 # 143-150.