Baier B. |
Bibliographie associée
idbiblio | auteurs | support | annee | ext. | pages |
Ontogeny of the electric organ discharge in two parapatric species of the dwarf stonebasher, Pollimyrus castelnaui and P. marianne (Mormyridae, Teleostei).
Acta Zoologica(Stockholm), 87 " |
11344 | Baier B., Lamml M., Kramer D.L. | Journal | 2006 | # | 209-214. |
Electric communication during courtship and spawning in two sibling species of dwarf stonebasher from southern Africa, Pollimyrus castelnaui and P. marianne (Mormyridae, Teleostei): evidence for a non species-specific communication code?
Behaviour, 144 " |
11345 | Baier B., Kramer D.L. | Journal | 2007 | # | 115-142. |