Baier B.

Bibliographie associée

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Ontogeny of the electric organ discharge in two parapatric species of the dwarf stonebasher, Pollimyrus castelnaui and P. marianne (Mormyridae, Teleostei).
Acta Zoologica(Stockholm), 87
11344 Baier B., Lamml M., Kramer D.L. Journal 2006 # 209-214.
Electric communication during courtship and spawning in two sibling species of dwarf stonebasher from southern Africa, Pollimyrus castelnaui and P. marianne (Mormyridae, Teleostei): evidence for a non species-specific communication code?
Behaviour, 144
11345 Baier B., Kramer D.L. Journal 2007 # 115-142.