Sola L.

Bibliographie associée

idbiblio auteurs support annee ext. pages
Remarks on the karyotype of the Polypteriformes. The chromosomes of Polypterus delhezi, P. endlicheri congicus and P. palmas.
Experientia, 34, 8
12097 Cataudella S., Sola L., Capanna E. Journal 1978 # 999-1000.
New developments in vertebrate cyrotaxonomy. III Kariogy of bony fishes: a review.
Genetica, 54
11388 Sola L., Cataudella S., Capanna E. Journal 1981 # 285-328.
New developments in vertebrate cytotaxonomy. III. Karyology of bony fishes: a review.
Genetica, 54
12096 Sola L., Cataudella S., Capanna E. Journal 1981 # 285-328.