Cahalan T.L.

Bibliographie associée

idbiblio auteurs support annee ext. pages
Blue Pachypanchax.
Aquarium Journal
3388 Cahalan T.L. Journal 1957 # 358-359,fig.
The hybrids of Aphyosemion gardneri.
Tropical Fish Hobbyist, 17 (12)
5415 Cahalan T.L. Journal 1969 # 4-11,8 fig.
The red-finned filamentosum.
The Aquarium, New Jersey,, 3 (9)
5621 Cahalan T.L. Journal 1970 # 4-5,fig.
Roloffia "caldal".
American Killifish Association, Killi Notes, 6 (8)
6303 Cahalan T.L. Journal 1973 # 15-18.
The status of Aphyosemion NSC-4.
Journal of the American Killifish Association, 7 (2)
6541 Ajami A.M., Cahalan T.L., Hoelter R. Journal 1974 # 41-45,2 fig.