Degu G.I.

Bibliographie associée

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Classification of ovarian stages of Alestes baremoze (Joannis, 1835): a step towards understanding its reproductive biology.
Frontiers in Science, 3, 4
11732 Kasozi N., Degu G.I., Atibuni K., Kisekka M., Owori-Wadunde A., Mugerwa S. Journal 2013 # 107-113.
Proximate composition and mineral contents of Pebbly fish, Alestes baremoze (Joannis, 1835) fillets in relation to fish size.
Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 15, 1
11731 Kasozi N., Degu G.I., Asizua D., Muklazi J.S., Kalany E. Journal 2014 # 41-50.
Bacteriological and physicochemical qualities of traditionally dry-salted Pebbly fish (Alestes baremoze) sold in different markets of West Nile Region, Uganda.
African Journal of Microbiology Research, 10, 27
11733 Kasozi N., Namulawa V.T., Degu G.I., Kato C.D., Muklazi J.S. Journal 2016 # 1024-1030.
Histomorphological description of the digestive system of Pebbly fish, Alestes baremoze (Joannis, 1835).
Hindawi, 2017
11734 Kasozi N., Degu G.I., Muklazi J.S., Kato C.D., Kisekka M., Owori-Wadunde A., Kityo G., Namulawa V.T. Journal 2017 # 1-9.
Fatty acid profile of pebbly fish, Alestes baremoze (Joannis, 1835) from Lake Albert, Uganda: implications for its feed requirements.
Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 20, 1
11736 Kasozi N., Degu G.I., Walakira J.S., Namulawa V.T. Journal 2020 # 73-83.