Morioka S. |
Bibliographie associée
idbiblio | auteurs | support | annee | ext. | pages |
Otolith features and utility of lapillus for daily increment analysis in Malawian Characidae Hemigrammopetersius barnardi (Herre, 1939) (Pisces: Characidae) collected from Lake Malawi.
Aqua-Fish Technical Report, 1 " |
11831 | Morioka S., Matsumoto S. | Journal | 2002 | # | 8-12. |
Otolith features and growth of Malawian characid Hemigrammopetersius barnardi from the southwestern coast of Lake Malawi.
Ichthyological Research, 53 " |
11832 | Morioka S., Matsumoto S., Kaunda E.K.W. | Journal | 2006 | # | 143-147. |
A note on the hatching period and growth in juvenile Brycinus imberi (Pisces: Alestiidae) in the shallow habitats of Lake Malawi.
African Journal of Ecology, 46 " |
11772 | Morioka S., Matsumoto S. | Journal | 2008 | # | 690-692. |