Field identification of freshwater fishes likely to occur in the area above the Kainji Dam on the River Niger. | Recherche rapide |
idbiblio | 3326 |
écrit par | Lowe-Mcconnell R.H. * |
support | Report |
éditeur | In White E. (ed.), The first Scientific Report of the Kainji Biological Research Team, Liverpool |
année | 1956 |
extension | a |
pages | 43-64. |
commentaire | |
ajouté par |
date: 14/11/2005 nom prénom: devcloffa email: organisme: IRD |
Taxons décrits
idtaxon | taxon | auteur ref. | flag | page | ref |
11329 | Tilapia mossambica (part.) #1 | Junior synonym | |||
3060 | Tilapia sparrmanii | Smith, 1841 | Valid | 1 | |
9656 | Tilapia nilotica (non Linnaeus, 1758) subsp. | Unknown |