Marcusenius macrolepidotus (Peters, 1852) Recherche rapide


  • DISTRIBUTION: Lien Faunafri
  • Aquariology : an interesting aquarium species .
  • Colour pattern : Kramer et al., 2007 | Marshall, 2011 | Seegers, 1996 | Skelton, 1993b | Skelton, 2001 .
  • Common names : Boelhond / Boelhond-snawelvis / Nembele / Snawelvis (Afrikaans), Um shelfa (Arabic), Lububu / Mintesa / Nchesu (Bemba: Zambia), Rypoun rhodésky / Rypoun velkosupinaty / Rypoun velkosupinny (Czech), Bulldogfisk (Danish), Bulldog / Bulldog-fish / Elephant nose / Tana-bulldog / Zambezi bulldog (English), Buldog-markuskala (Estonian), Leukanuijakala (Finnish), Großschuppiger Nilhecht (German), Mphuta / Samwamowa [Nyanja (Chichewa): Malawi], Mbelewele (Pokomo: Kenya), Ndagumka (Sena: Mozambique), Mpuni / Mputa / Nchemba / Ndaka / Ntachi (Swahili), Tshibobobo / Tshikalanomo (Venda: South Africa), Mbongombongo (Zande: Sudan) .
  • Condition / length-weight relationship : Torres, 1992 .
  • Current distribution known : found in Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe in the Lower and Middle Zambezi systems, Lake Malawi and the Buzi and Pungwe Rivers .
  • Distribution_references : Balon, 1974f | Eccles, 1992 | Kramer et al., 2007 | Seegers, 1996 | Skelton, 1993b | Skelton, 2001 .
  • Electrophysiology : Kramer et al., 2007 | Kramer & Wink, 2013 | van der Bank & Kramer, 1996 .
  • Food habits : feeds on invertebrates, especially midge and mayfly larvae and pupae taken from the bottom and off plant stems .
  • Food habits_references : Carey, 1966 | Marshall, 2011 | Næsje et al., 2004 | Seegers, 1996 | Skelton, 1993b | Skelton, 2001 .
  • Genetics : Kramer et al., 2004 | Kramer et al., 2007 | Kramer et al., 2016a | Kramer & Wink, 2013 | Levin & Golubtsov, 2017 | Maake et al., 2014 | van der Bank & Kramer, 1996 .
  • Growth / growth performance : Balon, 1974f | Kolding et al., 1992 | Kolding et al., 1996 | Marshall, 2011 | Mérona et al., 1988 | Mosepele & Nengu, 2003 .
  • Habitat / home range : prefers well-vegetated, muddy bottomed marginal habitats of rivers and floodplains .
  • Habitat_references : Næsje et al., 2004 | Seegers, 1996 | Skelton, 1993b | Skelton, 2001 .
  • Migration / movement : Seegers, 1996 | Skelton, 1993b | Skelton, 2001 .
  • Morphology / anatomy : Kramer et al., 2007 | Kramer & Wink, 2013 | Marshall, 2011 | Quinet, 1971 | Seegers, 1996 | Skelton, 1993b | Skelton, 2001 .
  • Osteology : Taverne, 1971a | Taverne, 1974 .
  • Parasites : Fryer, 1959b .
  • Phylogeny : Kramer et al., 2007 | Kramer et al., 2016a | Kramer & Wink, 2013 | Levin & Golubtsov, 2017 | Maake et al., 2014 | van der Bank & Kramer, 1996 | Winemiller & Adite, 1997 .
  • Reproduction : breeds during the rainy season in shallow vegetated localities; females carry up to 6,000 eggs .
  • Reproduction_references : Balon, 1974f | De Kimpe, 1964 | Marshall, 2011 | Næsje et al., 2004 | Skelton, 1993b | Skelton, 2001 .
  • Size : 320 mm TL .
  • Types :
    • Gnathonemus graeverti Steindachner, 1916: 61. Type locality: "aus dem Msola-Bach, einem Zuflusse des Ruaha bei Kiperege" deutsch-Ostafrika (Tanzania). Holotype NMW lost?.
    • Gnathonemus moeruensis Boulenger, 1915 b: 163. Type locality: "Lac Moero, devant Lukonzolwa". Holotype MRAC 14.137.
    • Gnathonemus rhodesianus Maar, 1962: 781, fig. 2. Type locality: "Lake Mc Ilwaine, Southern Rhodesia, Tiger Bay" 25 miles south of Salisbury. Holotype in Queen Victoria Museum (Salisbury) F 132.
    • Mormyrus macrolepidotus Peters, 1852: 275. Type locality: "River Rovuma" Tanzania. Syntypes ZMHU 3630, 3677, 3678.