Epiplatys guineensis Romand, 1994 Recherche rapide


  • DISTRIBUTION: Lien Faunafri
  • Aquariology : difficult to maintain in aquarium .
  • Colour pattern : Romand, 1994 | Wildekamp & van der Zee, 2003b .
  • Common names : Guineanvaanija (Finnish), Guinea-Hechtling (German) .
  • Current distribution known : apparently restricted to the drainage system of the Middle Konkouré River in the southern part of the Fouta Djalon plateau, western Guinea .
  • Distribution_references : Romand, 1994 .
  • Ecology : not a seasonal killifish .
  • Food habits : ants and other insects (Huber, Killi-Data online: www.killi-data.org) .
  • Habitat / home range : found most commonly in shallow parts of creeks and small rivers .
  • Morphology / anatomy : Romand, 1994 .
  • Reproduction : near-to-surface spawner; 2 weeks incubation; eggs diameter: 1.3 mm (Huber, Killi-Data online: www.killi-data.org) .
  • Size : 74 mm SL .
  • Types :
    • Epiplatys guineensis Romand, 1994: 365-370, fig. 1-4. Type locality: "Guinea: river Toukoudi, a tributary of river Konkouré, 36 km south of the town Mamou, close to the town of Linsan" (10.283N-12.450W). Holotype MNHN 1993-258, adult male 49 mm SL, 6 July 1979, Schmitt G., Guignard A. & Romand R.; paratypes MNHN 1993-259, MRAC 92.059.P.2338-2347.