Epiplatys togolensis Loiselle, 1970 Recherche rapide


  • DISTRIBUTION: Lien Faunafri
  • Colour pattern : Wildekamp & van der Zee, 2003b .
  • Common names : Toog-Sechsbandhechtling (German) .
  • Current distribution known : inhabits the drainage systems of the Mono, Zio and Hedjo Rivers, originating in the Togo Hills in southwestern Togo and southeastern Ghana, and areas eastward across southern Benin, southern Nigeria, including the Niger River delta, to the Cross River in southeastern Nigeria .
  • Food habits : feeds on ants and other insects (Huber, Killi-Data online: www.killi-data.org) .
  • Habitat / home range : found in small rivers, quiet parts of larger rivers and brooks in the coastal rainforest .
  • Reproduction : near-to-surface spawner; 2 weeks incubation; eggs diameter: 1.4 mm (Huber, Killi-Data online: www.killi-data.org) .
  • Size : 80 mm TL .
  • Types :
    • Epiplatys sexfasciatus togolensis Loiselle, 1970 b: 29, fig., map. Type locality: "Headwater of the Hedjo (Todzie) river in the coffee plantation of the chief of Eyu, a small village 8 km north of the town of Palimé in the Republic of Togo" (06°55'N-00°37'E). Holotype AMNH n° 205.529; paratypes BMNH n° 1970.9.16: 13-21 (9) and AMNH n° 205.530-205.531.