Notoglanidium akiri (Risch, 1987) |
Recherche rapide |
- Auchenoglanis akiri :
Risch, 1987 : 33-37, fig. 4 (senior synonym)Description of four new bagrid catfishes from Africa (Siluriformes: Bagridae)..
- Notoglanidium akiri :
Geerinckx et al., 2013 : 176, fig. 2A, 2B, 104Revision of Notoglanidium and related genera (Siluriformes: Claroteidae) based on morphology and osteology..
- Parauchenoglanis akiri :
Mo, 1991 : 156 (senior synonym)Anatomy and systematics of Bagridae (Teleostei) and siluroid phylogeny.
| Risch, 1992 : 424-425, fig. 24.22 (senior synonym)24. Bagridae.
| Paugy et al., 1994 : 62 (senior synonym)Faune ichtyologique des eaux douces d'Afrique de l'Ouest.
| Burgess & Finley, 1996 : 164 (senior synonym)An atlas of freshwater and marine catfishes: Update.
| King, 1996 a : 50 (senior synonym)Length-weight relationships and related statistics of 73 populations of fish occurring in inland waters of Nigeria.
| Olaosebikan & Raji, 1998 : 88 (senior synonym)Field guide to Nigerian freshwater fishes.
| Risch, 2003 e : 88-91, fig. 25.14 (senior synonym)28. Clariidae..
- Anaspidoglanis akiri :
Teugels et al., 1991 : 511 (senior synonym)Generic review of the African bagrid genera Auchenoglanis and Parauchenoglanis with description of a new genus.
| Geerinckx et al., 2003 : 17-25, fig. 8C (senior synonym)Taxonomic evaluation and redescription of Anaspidoglanis akiri (Risch, 1987) (Siluriformes: Claroteidae).
| Ferraris, 2007 : 154 (senior synonym)Checklist of catfishes, recent and fossil (Osteichthyes: Siluriformes), and catalogue of siluriform primary types.
| Seegers, 2008 a : 99, fig. (senior synonym)The catfishes of Africa: A handbook for identification and maintenance.
| Vreven et al., 2013 : 154, 156, 158 (senior synonym)Description of Notoglanidium pembetadi new species (Siluriformes: Claroteidae) from the Kouilou-Niari River, Republic of the Congo..
- DISTRIBUTION: Lien Faunafri
Colour pattern :
Geerinckx et al., 2013
Risch, 1987
Risch, 1992a
Risch, 2003b
Seegers, 2008
Common names :
Ikorikori (Ijo: Nigeria)
Current distribution known :
endemic to Nigeria in the Lower Delta area. Known from Southwestern Nigeria (Umuyara Mba at Etche to the Imo basin and the River New Calabar)
Growth / growth performance :
King, 1996
Morphology / anatomy :
Geerinckx et al., 2003
Geerinckx et al., 2013
Risch, 1987
Risch, 1992a
Risch, 2003b
Seegers, 2008
Osteology :
Geerinckx et al., 2003
Geerinckx et al., 2013
Size :
93.1 mm SL
Types :
Auchenoglanis akiri Risch, 1987: 33-37, fig. 4. Type locality: Umayara Mba, Etche Rivers State, Nigeria (04°52'N-07°02'E). Holotype MRAC 84.015.P.0009; paratypes MRAC 84.015.P.0003-0004.
Use and trade :
harvested for human consumption
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