Petrocephalus leo Lavoué, 2016 |
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- DISTRIBUTION: Lien Faunafri
Colour pattern :
Lavoué, 2016
Current distribution known :
only known from two adjacent localities along the course of the Kotto River (Oubangui River basin), Central African Republic
Distribution_references :
Lavoué, 2016
Genetics :
Lavoué, 2016
Morphology / anatomy :
Lavoué, 2016
Phylogeny :
Lavoué, 2016
Size :
78.9 mm SL
Types :
Petrocephalus leo Lavoué, 2016: 322-325, fig. 2, 3. Type locality: Basse-Kotto, Kotto River at Mingala, Kotto-Oubangui province, Central African Republic (5.10°N-21.82°E). Holotype CUMV 95314; paratypes CUMV 91853, MRAC 2016.012.P.0001-0003, AMNH 264802.
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