Enteromius catenarius (Poll & Lambert, 1959) |
Recherche rapide |
- Barbus catenarius :
Poll & Lambert, 1959 : 108, pl. 3, fig. 3 (senior synonym)Description de trois Cyprinidae nouveaux du genre Barbus de l'Afrique équatoriale française.
| Lévêque & Daget, 1984 : 238 (senior synonym)29. Cyprinidae.
| De Weirdt & Teugels, 2007 a : 496, 499, fig. 17.23 (senior synonym)17. Cyprinidae: Barbus..
- Enteromius catenarius :
Yang et al., 2015 : 112Phylogeny and polyploidy: resolving the classification of cyprinine fishes (Teleostei: Cypriniformes).
| Hayes & Armbruster, 2017 : 352The taxonomy and relationships of the African small barbs (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae).
| Mamonekene et al., 2018 : 2, 9, 11, fig. 1PA new small barb (Cyprininae: Smiliogastrini) from the Louesse, Lekoumou (upper Niari basin), and Djoulou (upper Ogowe basin) rivers in the Republic of Congo, west-central Africa.
| Fermon et al., 2022 : 139, A31An annotated checklist of the fishes of Gabon..
- DISTRIBUTION: Lien Faunafri
Colour pattern :
De Weirdt & Teugels, 2007a
Common names :
Parmicka niarska (Czech), Niari pardkala (Estonian)
Current distribution known :
a Lower Guinea endemic, known from the Niari-Kouilou basin
Distribution_references :
De Weirdt & Teugels, 2007a
Fermon et al., 2022
Genetics :
Yang et al., 2015
Morphology / anatomy :
De Weirdt & Teugels, 2007a
Osteology :
Mamonekene et al. 2018
Phylogeny :
Yang et al., 2015
Size :
45 mm SL, 56 mm TL
Types :
Barbus catenarius Poll & Lambert, 1959: 108, pl. 3, fig. 3. Type locality: "Mindouli", Niari-Kuilu River system. Holotype MRAC n° 125.187; paratypes MRAC n° 125.188 to 125.206.
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