Enteromius haasianus (David, 1936) Recherche rapide


  • DISTRIBUTION: Lien Faunafri
  • Colour pattern : Marshall 2011 | Skelton, 1993b | Skelton, 2001 .
  • Common names : Sekelvin-ghieliemientjie (Afrikaans), Parmicka Haasova (Czech), Sickle barb / Sickle-fin barb / Sicklefin barb (English), Sirpuim-pardkala (Estonian), Sirppibarbi (Finnish), Matemba [Nyanja (Chichewa): Malawi] .
  • Current distribution known : widely distributed in the southern half of Africa, from the Democratic Republic of Congo to Botswana and Namibia. In Central Africa, it is known from the Zambian Congo and Lufirae systems. It has also been recorded from Sandoa, This species is known from upper Kasai system. In Eastern Africa, it occurs in the Lower Shire River, Malawi. In Southern Africa, it is widely distributed in the upper Zambezi system and also in the Kafue, Okavango, Zambian Congo, Lower Zambezi and Pungwe systems .
  • Distribution_references : Skelton, 1993b | Skelton, 2001 .
  • Genetics : Yang et al., 2015 .
  • Habitat / home range : a very small benthopelagic species that is common throughout the marshes in shallow water. It inhabits swamps and floodplains in well-vegetated habitats .
  • Habitat_references : Marshall 2011 | Skelton, 1993b | Skelton, 2001 .
  • Migration / movement : it makes lateral movements onto floodplains to spawn as the floodwaters rise, when the males assume a rose-red colour .
  • Morphology / anatomy : Marshall 2011 | Skelton, 1993b | Skelton, 2001 .
  • Phylogeny : Yang et al., 2015 .
  • Size : 32 mm SL .
  • Types :
    • Barbus haasianus David, 1936 d: 73, fig. Type locality: "Nord Rhodesien", between Nsombo and Iake Bangweulu. Holotype SMF n° 3268; paratypes SMF n° 3269 and 3270, MRAC n° 44.430.
    • ?Barbus wöhlerti Trewavas, 1938 b: 64, fig. Type locality: "Portuguese East Africa". Holotype BMNH n° 1938.5.26: 1.
  • Use and trade : harvested for the aquarium trade .