Enteromius haasianus (David, 1936) |
Recherche rapide |
- Barbus haasianus :
David, 1936 d : 73, fig. (senior synonym)Die von Dr. Fritz Haas auf der Schomburgk-Afrika-Expedition (1931-32) gesammelten Süsswasser-fische.
| David & Poll, 1937 : 122 (senior synonym)Contribution à la faune ichthyologique du Congo belge : collections du Dr. H. Schouteden (1924-1926) et d'autres récolteurs.
| Ricardo-Bertram, 1943 : 205 (senior synonym)The fishes of the Bangweulu Region.
| Jubb, 1963 c : 24 (senior synonym)A revised list of the freshwater fishes of southern Africa.
| Bell-Cross, 1965 a : 33 (senior synonym)Additions and amendments to the check list of the fishes of Zambia.
| Jubb, 1967 a : 113, fig. 113 (senior synonym)Freshwater fishes of southern Africa.
| Poll, 1967 b : 165, fig. 20, 72 (senior synonym)Contribution à la faune ichthyologique de l'Angola. Companhia de diamantes de Angola (Museo do Dundo).
| Fowler, 1976 b : 330 (senior synonym)A catalog of World fishes (25).
| Tweddle & Willoughby, 1979 a : 16, 20, 21 (senior synonym)2. An annotated checklist of the fish fauna of the river Shire South of Kapachira Falls, Malawi.
| Banister & Clarke, 1980 : 536 (senior synonym)A revision of the large Barbus (Pisces, Cyprinidae) of Lake Malawi with a reconstruction of the history of the Southern African Rift Valley Lakes.
| Lévêque & Daget, 1984 : 248-249 (senior synonym)29. Cyprinidae.
| van der Waal & Skelton, 1984 : 313, 316, 317, 318 (senior synonym)Check list of fishes of Caprivi.
| Taylor, 1986 a 37. Ariidae.
| Bell-Cross & Minshull, 1988 : 147 (senior synonym)The fishes of Zimbabwe.
| Bethune & Roberts, 1991 : 194 (senior synonym)Checklist of the fishes of Namibia for each wetland region.
| Kapasa & Cowx, 1991 : 793 (senior synonym)Post-impoundment changes in the fish fauna of Lake Itezhi-tezhi, Zambia.
| Skelton, 1993 a : 8 (senior synonym)Scientific and common names of southern African freshwater fishes.
| Skelton, 1993 b : 148-149, fig. (senior synonym)A complete guide to the freshwater fishes of southern Africa.
| Skelton, 1994 : 128 (senior synonym)Diversity and distribution of freshwater fishes in East and Southern Africa.
| Merron & Bruton, 1995 : 114 (senior synonym)Community ecology and conservation of the fishes of the Okavango Delta, Botswana.
| Hay et al., 1999 : 57, 62 (senior synonym)The distribution of freshwater fish in Namibia.
| Nsiku, 1999 : 169 (senior synonym)Changes in the fisheries of Lake Malawi, 1976-1996: ecosystem-based analysis.
| Farm, 2000 : 980 (senior synonym)New 'Barbus' (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) from Serengeti National Park, Tanzania.
| Skelton, 2001 : 148-149, fig. (senior synonym)A complete guide to the freshwater fishes of southern Africa.
| Okeyo, 2003 b : 163 (senior synonym)On the biodiversity and the distribution of freshwater fish of Namibia: an annotated update.
| Marshall, 2011 : 90, fig. (senior synonym)The fishes of Zimbabwe and their biology.
| Mafuca & Bills, 2012 : 10 (senior synonym)Fish diversity in the Cahora Bassa reservoir (Mozambique) some twenty five years after the dam closure: what has been the effect of the change from the lotic to lentic environments on the Zambezi River fish fauna?
| Van Steenberge et al., 2014 : 334 (senior synonym)The fishes of the Upper Luapula area (Congo basin): a fauna of mixed origin..
- Enteromius haasianus :
Yang et al., 2015 : 112Phylogeny and polyploidy: resolving the classification of cyprinine fishes (Teleostei: Cypriniformes).
| Hayes & Armbruster, 2017 : 352The taxonomy and relationships of the African small barbs (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae).
| Bruton et al., 2018 : 48Fishes of the Okavango Delta & Chobe River, Botswana.
| Mamonekene et al., 2018 : 11, 13A new small barb (Cyprininae: Smiliogastrini) from the Louesse, Lekoumou (upper Niari basin), and Djoulou (upper Ogowe basin) rivers in the Republic of Congo, west-central Africa.
| Skelton, 2019 : 232Chapter 11. The freshwater fishes of Angola.
| Katemo Manda et al., 2020 : 1166Enteromius thespesios (Teleostei: Cyprinidae): a new minnow species with a remarkable sexual dimorphism from the southeastern part of the Upper Congo River.
| Mbimbi Mayi Munene et al., 2021 : 14Fishes of the Lower Lulua River (Kasai basin, Central Africa): a continental hotspot of ichthyofaunal diversity under threat?
| Abwe et al., 2023 : 14, 29Checklist of the fishes of the Kundelungu National Park (Upper Congo Basin, DR Congo): species diversity and endemicity of a poorly known ichthyofauna..
- Barbus wöhlerti :
Trewavas, 1938 b : 64, fig. (junior synonym)On Barbus wohlerti sp. n., the "Zwergsichel-Barbe" of German Aquarists.
| Jubb, 1963 c : 24 (junior synonym)A revised list of the freshwater fishes of southern Africa.
| Sterba, 1963 : 308, fig. 401 (junior synonym)Freshwater fishes of the world. Translated and revised by Denys W. Tucker,London.
| Jubb, 1967 a : 40 (junior synonym)Freshwater fishes of southern Africa.
| Jubb & Gaigher, 1971 : 17 (junior synonym)Check list of the fishes of Botswana.
| Fowler, 1976 b : 368 (junior synonym)A catalog of World fishes (25).
| Lévêque & Daget, 1984 : 248 (synonym of Barbus haasianus) (junior synonym)29. Cyprinidae..
- Puntius wöhlerti :
Sterba, 1959 : 223, fig. 401 (junior synonym)Süsswasserfische aus aller Welt.
| Lévêque & Daget, 1984 : 248 (synonym of Barbus haasianus) (junior synonym)29. Cyprinidae..
- DISTRIBUTION: Lien Faunafri
Colour pattern :
Marshall 2011
Skelton, 1993b
Skelton, 2001
Common names :
Sekelvin-ghieliemientjie (Afrikaans), Parmicka Haasova (Czech), Sickle barb / Sickle-fin barb / Sicklefin barb (English), Sirpuim-pardkala (Estonian), Sirppibarbi (Finnish), Matemba [Nyanja (Chichewa): Malawi]
Current distribution known :
widely distributed in the southern half of Africa, from the Democratic Republic of Congo to Botswana and Namibia. In Central Africa, it is known from the Zambian Congo and Lufirae systems. It has also been recorded from Sandoa, This species is known from upper Kasai system. In Eastern Africa, it occurs in the Lower Shire River, Malawi. In Southern Africa, it is widely distributed in the upper Zambezi system and also in the Kafue, Okavango, Zambian Congo, Lower Zambezi and Pungwe systems
Distribution_references :
Skelton, 1993b
Skelton, 2001
Genetics :
Yang et al., 2015
Habitat / home range :
a very small benthopelagic species that is common throughout the marshes in shallow water. It inhabits swamps and floodplains in well-vegetated habitats
Habitat_references :
Marshall 2011
Skelton, 1993b
Skelton, 2001
Migration / movement :
it makes lateral movements onto floodplains to spawn as the floodwaters rise, when the males assume a rose-red colour
Morphology / anatomy :
Marshall 2011
Skelton, 1993b
Skelton, 2001
Phylogeny :
Yang et al., 2015
Size :
32 mm SL
Types :
Barbus haasianus David, 1936 d: 73, fig. Type locality: "Nord Rhodesien", between Nsombo and Iake Bangweulu. Holotype SMF n° 3268; paratypes SMF n° 3269 and 3270, MRAC n° 44.430.
?Barbus wöhlerti Trewavas, 1938 b: 64, fig. Type locality: "Portuguese East Africa". Holotype BMNH n° 1938.5.26: 1.
Use and trade :
harvested for the aquarium trade
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