Enteromius leonensis (Boulenger, 1915) Recherche rapide


  • DISTRIBUTION: Lien Faunafri
  • Biogeography / geographic variation : Schmidt, 2014 .
  • Colour pattern : Lévêque, 1990c | Lévêque, 2003 | Van den Bergh & Teugels, 1998 .
  • Common names : Parmicka cadska (Czech), Sierraleone pardkala (Estonian), Sitruunabarbi (Finnish), Krokiri-ikpokpo (Ijo: Nigeria), Dale-madaga / Dale-madagde / Dale-madarmege . Nde (Kim: Chad) .
  • Condition / length-weight relationship : Boussou et al., 2017 .
  • Current distribution known : widespread from Senegal to Sudan. In Northeast Africa, the species has been recorded in White Nile, Sudan. In Western Africa, it is known from the large Sudanese river basins: Chad, Niger, Volta, Senegal, Gambia, as well as from the Comoé and Bandama in Côte d'Ivoire .
  • Distribution_references : Lévêque, 1983b | Lévêque, 1989b | Lévêque, 1990c | Lévêque, 2003 .
  • Ecology : Durand, 1970 | Loubens, 1969 .
  • Genetics : Ren et al., 2020 | Schmidt, 2014 | Yang et al., 2015 .
  • Morphology / anatomy : Lévêque, 1989b | Lévêque, 1990c | Lévêque, 2003 | Van den Bergh & Teugels, 1998 .
  • Phylogeny : Hayes & Armbruster, 2017 | Ren et al., 2020 | Schmidt, 2014 | Yang et al., 2015 .
  • Size : 33 mm SL .
  • Types :
    • Barbus leonensis Boulenger, 1915 a: 203. Type locality: "Maka", Sierra Leone. Syntypes (2) BMNH n° 1914.12.9: 7 to 8.