Enteromius magdalenae (Boulenger, 1906) Recherche rapide


  • DISTRIBUTION: Lien Faunafri
  • Common names : Parmicka bunjakonska (Czech), Bunjako barb (English), Bunjako pardkala (Estonian), Victorianbarbi (Finnish), Magdalenenbarbe (German) .
  • Current distribution known : endemic to the Lake Victoria basin. It occurs in the lake itself, surrounding lakes and affluent rivers in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. It is also present in some minor lakes within the basin, such as Nabugabo .
  • Genetics : Yang et al., 2015 .
  • Habitat / home range : inhabits shallow waters or sandy banks and marginal water-lily swamps .
  • Migration / movement : during the biannual floods specimens are found some distance up lakeside streams; this migration may be connected with breeding .
  • Phylogeny : Yang et al., 2015 .
  • Size : 68 mm SL .
  • Types :
    • Barbus magdalenae Boulenger, 1906 b: 437. Type locality: "Bunjako, Lake Victoria". Lectotype BMNH n° 1906.5.30: 125 (selected by Greenwood, 1962 c); paratypes (7) BMNH n° 1906.5.30: 126 to 133.