Enteromius magdalenae (Boulenger, 1906) |
Recherche rapide |
- Barbus magdalenae :
Boulenger, 1906 b : 437 (senior synonym)Descriptions of new fishes discovered by Mr. E. Degen in Lake Victoria.
| Boulenger, 1907 l : 256, pl. 46, fig. 4 (senior synonym)Zoology of Egypt. The fishes of the Nile published for the Egyptian Government. 2 vol.
| Pellegrin, 1909 c : 167 (senior synonym)Sur la faune ichthyologique du lac Victoria.
| Pellegrin, 1910 : 287 (senior synonym)Mission scientifique de Ch. Alluaud en Afrique orientale (1908-09). Poissons.
| Boulenger, 1911 a : 179, fig. 157 (senior synonym)Catalogue of the fresh-water fishes of Africa in the British Museum (Natural History).
| Pellegrin, 1913 e : 59 (senior synonym)Voyage de Ch. Alluaud et R. Jeannel en Afrique orientale (1911-12)- Poissons du lac Victoria.
| Copley, 1958 : 84 (senior synonym)Common freshwater fishes of East Africa.
| Whitehead, 1959 a : 350 (senior synonym)The anadromous fishes of Lake Victoria.
| Whitehead, 1960 c : 118 (senior synonym)Three new cyprinid fishes of the genus Barbus from the Lake Victoria basin.
| Greenwood, 1962 c : 190, fig. 12 (senior synonym)A revision of certain Barbus species (Pisces, Cyprinidae) from East, Central and South Africa.
| Greenwood, 1966 a : 71, fig. 37 (senior synonym)The fishes of Uganda. Second, revised edition.
| Mann, 1971 : 29 (senior synonym)Some taxonomical notes on the fish fauna of the Baringo area.
| Fowler, 1976 b : 339 (senior synonym)A catalog of World fishes (25).
| Lévêque & Daget, 1984 : 264 (senior synonym)29. Cyprinidae.
| Eccles, 1992 : 48, 119, fig. (senior synonym)FAO species identification sheets for fishery purposes. Field guide to the commercial marine and brackish-water species of Tanzania.
| Van Oijen, 1995 : 247 (senior synonym)Appendix I. Key to Lake Victoria fishes other than haplochromine cichlids.
| Chapman et al., 1996 a : 558, 560 (senior synonym)Refugia for endangered fishes from an introduced predator in Lake Nabugabo, Uganda.
| Chapman et al., 2003 : 505, 506 (senior synonym)Fish Faunal Resurgence in Lake Nabugabo, East Africa.
| Seegers et al., 2003 : 32, fig. 8c (as 'Barbus' magdalenae) (senior synonym)Annotated checklist of the freshwater fishes of Kenya (excluding the lacustrine haplochromines from Lake Victoria).
| Nyingi, 2013 : 46, fig. (senior synonym)Guide to common freshwater fishes of Kenya..
- Enteromius magdalenae :
Yang et al., 2015 : 112Phylogeny and polyploidy: resolving the classification of cyprinine fishes (Teleostei: Cypriniformes).
| Hayes & Armbruster, 2017 : 353The taxonomy and relationships of the African small barbs (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae).
| Maetens et al., 2020 : 16, 19Revalidation of Enteromius alberti and presence of Enteromius cf. mimus (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae) in the Lake Edward system, East Africa.
| Akoth et al., 2023 : 10The non-Haplochromis fish fauna in Uganda: an update on the distribution and a review of data gaps..
- DISTRIBUTION: Lien Faunafri
Common names :
Parmicka bunjakonska (Czech), Bunjako barb (English), Bunjako pardkala (Estonian), Victorianbarbi (Finnish), Magdalenenbarbe (German)
Current distribution known :
endemic to the Lake Victoria basin. It occurs in the lake itself, surrounding lakes and affluent rivers in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. It is also present in some minor lakes within the basin, such as Nabugabo
Genetics :
Yang et al., 2015
Habitat / home range :
inhabits shallow waters or sandy banks and marginal water-lily swamps
Migration / movement :
during the biannual floods specimens are found some distance up lakeside streams; this migration may be connected with breeding
Phylogeny :
Yang et al., 2015
Size :
68 mm SL
Types :
Barbus magdalenae Boulenger, 1906 b: 437. Type locality: "Bunjako, Lake Victoria". Lectotype BMNH n° 1906.5.30: 125 (selected by Greenwood, 1962 c); paratypes (7) BMNH n° 1906.5.30: 126 to 133.
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