Enteromius rohani (Pellegrin, 1921) Recherche rapide


  • DISTRIBUTION: Lien Faunafri
  • Common names : Parmicka Rohanova (Czech), Rohani pardkala (Estonian) .
  • Current distribution known : : only known from the type locality: Llikely taken from the Caculovar River, a tributary of the Cunene in Angola, and not from the Lomba (neither the Zambezi, nor the Longa coastal Atlantic) (see Skelton, 2019) .
  • Genetics : Yang et al., 2015 .
  • Phylogeny : Yang et al., 2015 .
  • Size : 144 mm TL .
  • Types :
    • Barbus rohani Pellegrin, 1921 d: 119, fig. 1. Type locality: "Rivière Lomba, affluent du Cuando", Angola. Holotype MNHN n° 1919-446.