Enteromius yardiensis Englmaier et al., 2020 |
Recherche rapide |
- Enteromius yardiensis :
Englmaier et al., 2020 b : 107, 111, 120-134, 136, 137, 138, 140, 141, fig. 6, 7A new species of Enteromius (Actinopterygii, Cyprinidae, Smiliogastrinae) from the Awash River, Ethiopia, and the re-establishment of E. akakianus.
| Prokofiev et al., 2021 : 1, 3, 4, 5, 15, 16, 17A new species of Enteromius from the Bale Mountain region, southeastern Ethiopia (Teleostei: Cyprinidae).
| Jepleting et al., 2022 : 236, 240A review of morphomeristic characterization and classification of genus Enteromius spp in Africa..
- DISTRIBUTION: Lien Faunafri
Colour pattern :
Englmaier et al., 2020b
Current distribution known :
found so far only in the Lower Awash River and interconnected lakes
Distribution_references :
Englmaier et al., 2020b
Food habits :
gut contents examined from type locality contained unidentifiable fine organic detritus and remains of planktonic crustaceans (exuviae of Phyllopoda (Cladocera), Copepoda, Rotatoria) but also nematodes, remains of terrestrial arthropods (beetles), diatoms, larger plant material (e.g., leaf parts), seeds, and wood debris, and some non-organic material (sand grains)
Food habits_references :
Englmaier et al., 2020b
Genetics :
Prokofiev et al., 2021
Habitat / home range :
specimens were abundant in shallow shoreline habitats of the main channel (low flow velocity), deep (max. 1.5 m) stretches of side channels, stagnant water bodies of the adjacent floodplain, and the shoreline of lakes. A preference for structured habitats with aquatic plants, woody debris, dense river bank vegetation and fine substrate (sand and finer fractions) was noted
Habitat_references :
Englmaier et al., 2020b
Morphology / anatomy :
Englmaier et al., 2020b
Osteology :
Englmaier et al., 2020b
Phylogeny :
Prokofiev et al., 2021
Size :
52.8 mm SL
Types :
Enteromius yardiensis Englmaier, Tesfaye & Bogutskaya, 2020: 120-134, fig. 6, 7. Type locality: side channel of the Awash River at Kada Bada, north of the bridge on the way to Herto Bouri, 565 m a.s.l, Afar Region, Ethiopia (site 2: 10°13'53"N-40°34'43"E). Holotype BMNH 2018.10.10.1; paratypes BMNH 2018.10.10.2-4, BMNH 2018.10.10.5-24, NMW 99232, NMW 99233, NMW 99234, NMW 99235, NMW 99259, NMW 99487, NMW 99488, NMW 99493, NMW 99494, NMW 99500, NMW 99639, NMW 99640, NMW 99641, NMW 99642.
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