Phyllonemus filinemus Worthington & Ricardo, 1936 |
Recherche rapide |
- Phyllonemus filinemus :
Worthington & Ricardo, 1936 b : 1096, fig. 9The fish of Lake Tanganyika (other than Cichlidae).
| Poll, 1946 : 215Révision de la faune ichthyologique du lac Tanganika.
| Poll, 1952 g : 132Résultats scientifiques de l'Exploration Hydrobiologique du Lac Tanganika (1946-47). Introduction : les vertébrés.
| Poll, 1953 a : 149, fig. 16 C-DPoissons non Cichlidae. Exploration Hydrobiologique du Lac Tanganika (1946-1947).
| Poll, 1957 a : 111Les genres des poissons d'eau douce de l'Afrique.
| Breder & Rosen, 1966 : 640-641Modes of reproduction in fishes.
| Jayaram, 1966 : 1109Contributions to the study of the fishes of the family Bagridae. A systematic account of the African genera with a new classification of the family.
| Bell-Cross & Kaoma, 1971 : 241Additions and amendments to the checklist of the fishes of Zambia. 3.
| Bernacsek, 1980 : 34Introduction to the freshwater fishes of Tanzania.
| Bailey & Stewart, 1984 : 16Bagrid catfishes from Lake Tanganyika with a key and descriptions of new taxa.
| Risch, 1986 : 3531. Bagridae.
| Risch, 1987 : 29, 30, 32, 33Description of four new bagrid catfishes from Africa (Siluriformes: Bagridae).
| Eccles, 1992 : 59, 123, fig.FAO species identification sheets for fishery purposes. Field guide to the commercial marine and brackish-water species of Tanzania.
| De Vos et al., 1996 : 15Trematocara zebra (Perciformes; Cichlidae), nouvelle espèce du nord-ouest du lac Tanganyika (Zaïre).
| Ochi et al., 2001 : 566-570Nest building and brooding behavior of the bagrid catfish, Auchenoglanis occidentalis (Valenciennes, 1840), in Lake Tanganyika.
| Hardman, 2008 a : 48A new species of catfish genus Chrysichthys from Lake Tanganyika (Siluriformes: Claroteidae).
| Seegers, 2008 a : 95, fig.The catfishes of Africa: A handbook for identification and maintenance.
| Peart et al., 2014 : 122, 123, 124,126Nocturnal claroteine catfishes reveal dual colonisation but a single radiation in Lake Tanganyika..
- DISTRIBUTION: Lien Faunafri
Colour pattern :
Seegers, 2008
Common names :
Remmikissamonni (Finnish)
Current distribution known :
endemic to Lake Tanganyika
Genetics :
Peart et al., 2014
Habitat / home range :
lives on the rocky slopes where it hides in crevices only coming out at night
Morphology / anatomy :
Risch, 1987
Seegers, 2008
Phylogeny :
Peart et al., 2014
Reproduction :
oviparous. Eggs are incubated in the mouth of both parents
Reproduction_references :
Breder & Rosen, 1966
Ochi et al., 2001
Size :
87 mm TL
Types :
Phyllonemus filinemus Worthington & Ricardo, 1936 b: 1096, fig. 9. Type locality: "Kibwesi and Kigoma", Lake Tanganyika. Syntypes BMNH (8).
Use and trade :
no value as food but possible aquarium interest
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