Procatopus similis Ahl, 1927 Recherche rapide


  • DISTRIBUTION: Lien Faunafri
  • Aquariology : difficult to maintain in aquarium .
  • Chromosomes : Vasil'ev, 1980 .
  • Common names : Variable lampeye / Yellow Lampeye (English), Nfvong (Fang: Eq Guinea), Kirjotähtisilmä (Finnish), Variabler Leuchtaugenfisch (German) .
  • Current distribution known : southern Nigeria, west and east Cameroon southward to the Lokundje river. .
  • Ecology : not a seasonal killifish | Radda, 1971 d | Slocum & Terceira, 1975 .
  • Genetics : Gyldenholm & Scheel, 1971 | Scheel, 1981 b .
  • Habitat / home range : occurs in small rivers and brooks, mainly in the streaming parts. In coastal plain rainforests and secondary forests .
  • Reproduction_references : Slocum & Terceira, 1975 | Sommer, 1978 .
  • Scales : Clausen, 1967 .
  • Size : 60 mm TL .
  • Types :
    • Procatopus abbreviatus Pellegrin, 1929 e: 367. Type locality: "Yabassi (Wuri)", western east Cameroon. Syntypes MNHN n° 1929-88 (7).
    • Procatopus lacustris Trewavas, 1974: 386, fig. 11-13. Type locality: "Lake Soden", southwestern Cameroon. Holotype BMNH n° 1973.5.14: 456; paratypes BMNH n° 1973.5.14: 457-507 (51).
    • Procatopus (Procatopus) glaucicaudus Clausen, 1959 b: 268, fig. 1-2. Type locality: "Small, rather fast flowing streams in hilly rainforest, 58 miles N. Of Kumba, crossing the Kumba-Mamfe road, British Cameroons. Southern tributary of upper Cross river system". Holotype West Afr. Exp. n° 412; paratypes id. n° 413 (10), Univ. College, Ibadan, Nigeria (2), BMNH n° 1962.5.3: 4-5 (2) and ZMHU n° 21.532 (2).
    • Procatopus similis Ahl, 1927 a: 79. Type locality: "Logobaba, Kamerun". Lectotype ZMHU n° 17.772; paralectotype ZMHU n° 22.712.