Aphyosemion franzwerneri Scheel, 1971 Recherche rapide


  • DISTRIBUTION: Lien Faunafri
  • Chromosomes : Vasil'ev, 1980 .
  • Colour pattern : van der Zee et al., 2007b .
  • Common names : Goby killi (English), Tokkoviiripyrstö (Finnish), Grundel-Prachtkärpfling / Werners Prachtkärpfling (German) .
  • Current distribution known : occurs in the lower Sanaga and Wouri River systems in western Cameroon. This probably represents a relict distribution .
  • Ecology : not a seasonal killifish | Radda, 1972 a | Scheel, 1971 c | Scheel, 1980 .
  • Food habits : ants and other insects .
  • Genetics : Gyldenholm & Scheel, 1971 | Scheel, 1971 c | Scheel, 1973 a: 17 | Scheel, 1974 d .
  • Habitat / home range : very small pools, shallows in swamps and shallow swampy parts of brooks in the rainforest .
  • Reproduction : laying adhesive egg on aquatic plants and roots; 3 weeks incubation; diameter of eggs: 1.6 mm .
  • Reproduction_references : Heinemann & Siedentop, 1980 .
  • Size : 50 mm TL .
  • Types :
    • Aphyosemion franzwerneri Scheel, 1971 c: 61, fig. Type locality: "Small source, 15 km north of the road junction Douala-Edea-Yabassi, towards Yabassi of East Cameroon" (04°14'N-10°04'E). Holotype ZMUC n° P.352.628; paratypes ZMUC n° P.352.629-352.630.