Aphyosemion hofmanni Radda, 1980 Recherche rapide


  • DISTRIBUTION: Lien Faunafri
  • Colour pattern : van der Zee et al., 2007b .
  • Common names : Hofmann's killi (English), Linjaviiripyrstö (Finnish), Hofmanns Prachtkärpfling (German) .
  • Current distribution known : : known only from the type locality, a small mountainous brook in the Mbomi drainage system in the central Du Chaillu-Massif in southern Gabon .
  • Ecology : not a seasonal killifish .
  • Food habits : ants and other insects .
  • Habitat / home range : found in the shallowest, swampy parts of brooks in the inland mountain rainforest. It typically inhabits water of only a few centimetres depth .
  • Reproduction : laying adhesive egg on aquatic plants and roots; 3 weeks incubation .
  • Size : 50 mm TL .
  • Types :
    • Apityosemion hofmanni Radda, 1980 c: 203, fig. 3. Type locality: "55 km an der Strasse von Mimongo (über Mokabou) nach Mbigou, nahe Iméno Mbila in kleinen Seitenarmen eines Bergbaches mit einem Wasserstand von nur weinigen Zentimetern, Seehöhe etwa 600 m, Du-Chaillu-Massiv, Provinz Ngunié, Südgabun". Holotype and paratypes NMW, registration numbers unknown.