Aphyosemion ocellatum Huber & Radda, 1977 Recherche rapide


  • DISTRIBUTION: Lien Faunafri
  • Aquariology : very difficult to maintain in aquarium .
  • Common names : Luomiviiripyrstö (Finnish), Schulterfleck-Prachtkärpfling (German) .
  • Current distribution known : only found on the Du Chaillu Massif, in the upper Ngounié River, southern Gabon and western Congo .
  • Ecology : Huber & Radda, 1977 | not a seasonal killifish .
  • Food habits : ants and other insects .
  • Genetics : Scheel, 1981 b .
  • Habitat / home range : brooks and small streams in the rainforest on the inland plains and hilly areas .
  • Reproduction : laying adhesive egg on aquatic plants and roots; 3 weeks incubation .
  • Reproduction_references : Hannink, 1979 | Hannink, 1981 b .
  • Size : 60 mm TL .
  • Types :
    • Aphyosemion ocellatum Huber & Radda, 1977: 102, fig. 5, 8, 10, map. Type locality: "Ein schnellfliesender Bach im Regenwald, 6 km W. Mimongo an der Strasse nach Lebamba zwischen Magagara und Lamandou, Seehöhe etwa 500 m, Migoto-Ogoulou-System, Ngounié", southwestern Gabon (± 01°43'S-11°35'E). Holotype and paratypes NMW, registration numbers unknown; paratypes MNHN n° 1978-149 (4) and MRAC n° 77-17-P-470471 (2).