Epiplatys annulatus (Boulenger, 1915) |
Recherche rapide |
- Epiplatys annulatus :
Myers, 1933 a : 182The genera of Indo-Malayan and African cyprinodont fishes related to Panchax and Nothobranchius.
| Daget, 1950 b : 56Poissons d'eau douce de Sierra Leone.
| Fowler, 1950 : 2Some fishes from Liberia, West Africa with descriptions of two new species.
| Lambert, 1956 : 5, fig.Epiplatys annulatus Blgr.
| Lambert, 1958 : 50Poissons siluriformes et cyprinodontiformes récoltés en Guinée Francçaise, avec la description d'une nouvelle espèce de Microsynodontis.
| Daget, 1962 d : 130, fig. 41Les poissons du Fouta Dialon et de la Basse Guinée.
| Daget & Iltis, 1965 : 188Poissons de Côte d'Ivoire (eaux douces et saumâtres).
| Scheel, 1965 : 19, fig.West African Rivulins : Epiplatys annulatus (Boulenger).
| Foersch, 1966 : 153, fig.Epiplatys annulatus Boulenger, 1915.
| Roloff, 1966 : 5, fig.Epiplatys annulatus.
| Scheel, 1966 c : 125, pl. 17, fig. 31 aTaxonomic studies of African and Asian tooth-carps (Rivulinae) based on chromosome numbers, haemoglobin patterns, some morphological traits and crossing experiments.
| Foersch, 1967 b : 161, fig.Zur Zucht des Epiplatys annulatus.
| Scheel, 1968 a : 84, 6 fig.Rivulins of the old world.
| Lambert & Géry, 1970 : 224Poissons du bassin de l'Ivindo. V. Rivulinae (suite) et Procatopodinae.
| Roloff, 1970 a : 363, fig. 6Kleine Fische aus Westafrika vom Fang bis zur Zucht im Aquarium.
| Sladkowski, 1971 : 114, fig.Die Zucht zweier Kleinode aus Afrika.
| Van Den Nieuwenhuizen, 1972 : 181Wer das Kleine nicht ehrt, ist das Grosse nicht wert.
| Weber, 1972 : 206Zur Unterscheidung der drei Farbschläge von Epiplatys annulatus.
| Knaack, 1974 a : 154, 3 fig.Der Zwerghechtling, Epiplatys annulatus.
| Keller, 1975 a : 42, fig.The clown killi.
| Wright, 1976 : 249From the complete field notes of the Jan./Feb. 1976 collecting trip to Sierra Leone.
| Etzel, 1978 a : 11, 20Killifisch-Studien in Sierra Leone. 2. Die Killifische der Distrikte Port Loko und Kambia.
| Huber, 1979 b : 1, fig., mapEpiplatys annulatus (Boulenger).
| Vasil'ev, 1980 : 15Chromosome numbers in fish-like vertebrates and fish.
| Hartig-Beecken, 1981 : 69, fig.Ueber Wachstum und Geschlechtsreife von Pseudepiplatys annulatus.
| Scheel & Romand, 1981 : 22, fig.A new genus of Rivulin fish from tropical Africa (Pisces, Cyprinodontidae).
| Parenti, 1982 : 454Relationship of the African genus Foerschichthys (Teleostei, Cyprinodontiformes, Aplocheilidae).
| Wildekamp et al., 1986 : 24440. Cyprinodontidae.
| Lévêque et al., 1989 : 121Inventaire taxinomique et distribution des poissons d'eau douce des bassins côtiers de Guinée et de Guinée Bissau.
| Robins et al., 1991 : 83?World fishes important to North Americans. Exclusive of species from the continental waters of the United States and Canada.
| Romand, 1992 : 628, pl. 35.XIII35. Cyprinodontidae.
| Paugy et al., 1994 : 62Faune ichtyologique des eaux douces d'Afrique de l'Ouest.
| Poll & Gosse, 1995 : 213Genera des poissons d'eau douce de l'Afrique.
| Huber, 1996 : 185Killi-Data 1996. Updated checklist of taxonomic names, collecting localities and bibliographic references of oviparous Cyprinodont fishes (Atherinomorpha, Pisces).
| Wildekamp, 1996 : 22A world of killies. Atlas of the oviparous cyprinodontiform fishes of the world. Volume III: The genera Empetrichthys, Epiplatys, Episemion, Floridichthys, Fluviphylax, Foerschichthys, Fundulopanchax,. Fundulosoma and Fundulus.
| Seegers, 1997 : 16Killifishes of the world: Old world killis I: (Aphyosemion, lampeyes, ricefishes).
| Lazara, 2001 : 99The killifishes, an annotated checklist, synonymy, and bibliography of recent oviparous Cyprinodontiform fishes. The killifish master index.
| Collier et al., 2009 : 192Phylogeography of the genus Epiplatys (Aplocheiloidea: Cyprinodontiformes)..
- Haplochilus annulatus :
Boulenger, 1916 a : 326, fig. 189 (senior synonym)Catalogue of the fresh-water fishes of Africa in the British Museum (Natural History).
| Boulenger, 1919 a : 35 (senior synonym)A list of the freshwater fishes of Sierra Leone.
| Pellegrin, 1923 b : 237 (senior synonym)Les poissons des eaux douces de l'Afrique occidentale (du Sénégal au Niger)..
- Panchax annulatus :
Ahl, 1924 c : 51 (senior synonym)Zur Systematik der altweltlichen Zahnkarpfen der Unterfamilie Fundulinae..
- Pseudepiplatys annulatus :
Clausen, 1967 : 29 (senior synonym)Tropical old world Cyprinodonts.
| Berkenkamp, 1976 a : 88, 98 fig. 3 (senior synonym)Hechtlinge von der Freetown-Halbinsen, Ergebnisse der Reisen von H. Brachet, Sierra Leone 1974/1975.
| Seegers, 1976 : 85, fig. (senior synonym)Zur Eientwicklung von Pseudepiplatys annulatus, des Querbandhechtlings.
| Wright, 1976 : 255, 261 (senior synonym)From the complete field notes of the Jan./Feb. 1976 collecting trip to Sierra Leone.
| Berkenkamp, 1977 a : 175, fig. 11 (senior synonym)Epiplatys zimiensis spec. nov., eine neue Hechtlingsart aus dem Ueberartenkreis Epiplatys fasciolatus aus Südwest Sierra Leone.
| Etzel, 1978 b : 41 (senior synonym)Killifisch-Studien in Sierra Leone. 3. Die Killifische der Distrikte Mayomba.
| Berkenkamp & Etzel, 1980 b : 13 (senior synonym)Description provisoire de Roloffia huwaldi spec. nov.
| Seegers, 1980 c : 124, fig. (senior synonym)Killifische, Eierlegende Zahnkarpfen im Aquarium.
| Hartig-Beecken, 1981 : 69, 2 fig. (senior synonym)Ueber Wachstum und Geschlechtsreife von Pseudepiplatys annulatus.
| Aarn & Shepherd, 2001 : 223 (senior synonym)Descriptive anatomy of Epiplatys sexfasciatus (Cyprinodontiformes, Aplocheilidae) and a phylogenetic analysis of Epiplatina.
| Wildekamp & van der Zee, 2003 b : 335-337, pl. 37.I (senior synonym)37. Aplocheilidae..
- Aplocheilus annulatus :
Gyldenholm & Scheel, 1971 : 94 (senior synonym)Chromosome number of fishes I.
| Radda, 1971 g : 498 (senior synonym)Zur Systematik und Zoogeographie westafrikanischer Rivulinae.
| Scheel, 1972 c : 181 (senior synonym)Rivuline karyotypes and their evolution.
| Scheel, 1974 h : 11 (senior synonym)Rivuline studies, taxonomic studies of rivuline Cyprinodonts from tropical atlantic Africa (Rivulinae, Cyprinodontidae, Atheriniformes, Pisces).
| Radda, 1976 b : 143, fig. 11 (senior synonym)Die Cyprinodontiden-Fauna von Sierra Leone..
- DISTRIBUTION: Lien Faunafri
Aquariology :
very difficult to maintain in aquarium
Chromosomes :
Vasil'ev, 1980
Colour pattern :
Wildekamp & van der Zee, 2003
Common names :
Båndet panchax (Danish), Banded panchax / Clown killie / Rocket panchax (English), Loistovaanijakala / Vyövaanija (Finnish), Ringelhechtling / Zwerghechtling (German)
Current distribution known :
inhabits the coastal lowlands of southern Guinea and across Sierra Leone to the area around Monrovia in Liberia
Ecology :
Roloff, 1970 a
Vasil'ev, 1980
Embryology / ontogeny :
Seegers, 1976
Food habits :
ants and other insects (Huber, Killi-Data online: www.killi-data.org)
Genetics :
Aarn & Shepherd, 2001
Gyldenholm & Scheel, 1971
Scheel, 1966 c
Scheel, 1968 a
Scheel, 1972 c
Scheel, 1974 h
Habitat / home range :
inhabits quiet bodies of water, creeks and smaller rivers in the open savannah as well as in the rainforest. Usually found among bordering vegetation or lily pads in fresh water, but may also be found in slightly brackish water
Osteology :
Clausen, 1967
Reproduction :
near-to-surface spawner (spawning also recorded in mid and lower water); 2 weeks incubation, eggs diameter: 0.9 mm (Huber, Killi-Data online: www.killi-data.org)
Reproduction_references :
Foersch, 1967 b
Hartig-Beecken, 1981
Keller, 1975 a
Knaack, 1974 a
Lambert, 1956
Roloff, 1970 a
Scheel, 1968 a
Sladkowski, 1971
Van den Nieuwenhuizen, 1972
Scales :
Clausen, 1967
Size :
40 mm TL
Types :
Haplochilus annulatus Boulenger, 1915 a: 203. Type locality: "Maka, Sierra Leone", southern Sierra Leone. Syntypes BMNH n° 1914.12.9: 5-6 (2).
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