Aplocheilichthys normani |
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- Aplocheilichthys normani :
Ahl, 1928 a : 600 (senior synonym with Poropanchax normani)Descriptions of two new Cyprinodont fishes from Nigeria.
| Myers, 1938 b : 142 (senior synonym with Poropanchax normani)Studies on the genera of cyprinodont fishes. 14. Aplocheilichthys and its relatives in Africa.
| Blache et al., 1964 : 217 (senior synonym with Poropanchax normani)Les poissons du bassin du Tchad et du bassin adjacent du Mayo-Kebbi. Etude systématique et biologique.
| Daget & Iltis, 1965 : 204, fig. 126 (senior synonym with Poropanchax normani)Poissons de Côte d'Ivoire (eaux douces et saumâtres).
| Miton, 1965 : 84 (senior synonym with Poropanchax normani)La pêche et les poissons des bassins du Chari, du Logone et du Mayo-Kebbi (République du Tchad).
| Daget, 1967 b : 5 (senior synonym with Poropanchax normani)Poissons de République Centrafricaine récoltés par M. A. Stauch en 1962.
| Scheel, 1967 a : 243, fig. (senior synonym with Poropanchax normani)Aplocheilichthys macrophthalmus Meinken.
| Scheel, 1968 b : 16, fig. 11 (senior synonym with Poropanchax normani)A review of Aplocheilichthys macrophthalmus Meinken, 1932 (Teleostomi, Cyprinodontidae, Procatopodinae).
| Scheel, 1969 c : 29 (senior synonym with Poropanchax normani)A note on Aplocheilichthys cf. macrophthalmus.
| Van Den Nieuwenhuizen, 1972 : 181, 10 fig. (senior synonym with Poropanchax normani)Wer das Kleine nicht ehrt, ist das Grosse nicht wert.
| Scheel, 1974 h : 1, 22, 2 maps (senior synonym with Poropanchax normani)Rivuline studies, taxonomic studies of rivuline Cyprinodonts from tropical atlantic Africa (Rivulinae, Cyprinodontidae, Atheriniformes, Pisces).
| Planquette & Lemasson, 1975 : 89 (senior synonym with Poropanchax normani)Le peuplement de poissons du Bandama Blanc en pays Baoulé.
| Roman, 1975 b : 66 (senior synonym with Poropanchax normani)Poissons de la Volta et de la Haute-Comoé, notes sur l'écologie des formes naines.
| Coeckelberghs, 1976 a Contribution to the ethology of Limnothrissa dardennei (Boulenger, 1899) (Pisces, Cichlidae). 1. Description of the elementary actions and the pattern of markings.
| Radda, 1976 b : 140, fig. 6, 3 maps (senior synonym with Poropanchax normani)Die Cyprinodontiden-Fauna von Sierra Leone.
| Schreiber, 1976 : 161, 2 fig. (senior synonym with Poropanchax normani)Einige Erkentnisse über die Killifischfauna in der südlichen Dahomeylücke. Ein Bericht über den Fang von Aphyosemion spec. GH 2/74.
| Radda, 1977 c : 16, fig., map (senior synonym with Poropanchax normani)Katalog der Cyprinodontidae (Atheriniformes, Osteichthyes) von Kamerun.
| Radda, 1978 a : 270 (senior synonym with Poropanchax normani)Chorologie und Zoogeographie der Cyprinodontidae (Atheriniformes, Osteichthyes) von Kamerun.
| Radda, 1979 : 20, fig., map (senior synonym with Poropanchax normani)The Cyprinodonts of Cameroon.
| Seegers, 1980 c : 98 (senior synonym with Poropanchax normani)Killifische, Eierlegende Zahnkarpfen im Aquarium.
| Vasil'ev, 1980 : 15 (senior synonym with Poropanchax normani)Chromosome numbers in fish-like vertebrates and fish.
| Daget & Durand, 1981 : 743 (senior synonym with Poropanchax normani)Poissons.
| Frohlich, 1981 b : 39, 2 fig. (senior synonym with Poropanchax normani)Die Killifischfauna Gambia's. II. Die Killifische.
| Scheel, 1981 b : 68 (senior synonym with Poropanchax normani)Notes on a certain groups of Killifish 2.
| Wischmann, 1981 : 1, fig., map (senior synonym with Poropanchax normani)Aplocheilichthys normani Ahl, 1928.
| Radda & Pürzl, 1982 : 64, fig., map (senior synonym with Poropanchax normani)Killifische aus aller Welt. 2. Cyprinodontiformes aus Länder der Bucht von Biafra (S. O. Nigeria, West-Kamerun).
| Romand, 1985 : 399-410 (senior synonym with Poropanchax normani)Feeding biology of Aplocheilichthys normani, Ahl, a small Cyprinodontidae from West Africa.
| Wildekamp et al., 1986 : 180-181 (senior synonym with Poropanchax normani)40. Cyprinodontidae.
| Teugels et al., 1988 : 225 (senior synonym with Poropanchax normani)État des connaissances sur la faune ichtyologique des bassins côtiers de Côte d'Ivoire et de l'ouest du Ghana.
| Lévêque et al., 1989 : 121 (senior synonym with Poropanchax normani)Inventaire taxinomique et distribution des poissons d'eau douce des bassins côtiers de Guinée et de Guinée Bissau.
| Paugy et al., 1990 a : 341 (senior synonym with Poropanchax normani)Freshwater fishes of Sierra Leone and Liberia. Annotated checklist and distribution.
| Lévêque et al., 1991 : 144 (senior synonym with Poropanchax normani)Annotated check-list of the freshwater fishes of the Nilo-sudan river basins, in Africa.
| Romand, 1992 : 621-623, pl. 35.XII (senior synonym with Poropanchax normani)35. Cyprinodontidae.
| Bailey, 1994 : 963 (senior synonym with Poropanchax normani)Guide to the fishes of the River Nile in the Republic of the Sudan.
| Paugy et al., 1994 : 62 (senior synonym with Poropanchax normani)Faune ichtyologique des eaux douces d'Afrique de l'Ouest.
| Seegers, 1997 : 34 (senior synonym with Poropanchax normani)Killifishes of the world: Old world killis I: (Aphyosemion, lampeyes, ricefishes).
| Dankwa et al., 1999 : 43 (senior synonym with Poropanchax normani)Freshwater fishes of Ghana: identification, distribution, ecological and economic importance.
| Parenti et al., 1999 : 3 (senior synonym with Poropanchax normani)Catalog of type specimens of Recent fishes in the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, 9: Family Poeciliidae (Teleostei: Cyprinodontiformes).
| Lazara, 2001 : 36 (senior synonym with Poropanchax normani)The killifishes, an annotated checklist, synonymy, and bibliography of recent oviparous Cyprinodontiform fishes. The killifish master index..
- Aplocheilichthys macrurus (non Boulenger, 1904) :
Roman, 1975 b : 66 (junior synonym)Poissons de la Volta et de la Haute-Comoé, notes sur l'écologie des formes naines..
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