Julidochromis ornatus Boulenger, 1898 Recherche rapide


  • DISTRIBUTION: Lien Faunafri
  • Aquariology : Axelrod et al., 1962 | Aymé, 1983 | Deproost, 1983 c | Elias, 1973 a | Elias, 1975 b | Pourriot, 1986 | Richter, 1989 a | Staeck & Linke, 1982 | Statton, 1978 | Vierke, 1988 .
  • Behaviour / ethology : Staeck & Linke, 1982 .
  • Colour pattern : Matthes, 1962 b | Staeck & Linke, 1982 .
  • Current distribution known : northern part of Lake Tanganyika and one variety in the southern part (near Mpulungu) (Konings, 1988 b| Richter, 1989 a) .
  • Food habits_references : Matthes, 1962 b .
  • Habits_references : Konings, 1988 b | Matthes, 1962 b | Richter, 1989 a | Staeck & Linke, 1982 .
  • Morphology / anatomy : Brichard, 1989 | Liem & Osse, 1975 | Matthes, 1962 b | Poll, 1946 .
  • Osteology : Greenwood, 1978 .
  • Phylogeny : Liem & Osse, 1975 .
  • Physiology / metabolism : Liem & Osse, 1975 .
  • Reproduction_references : Aymé, 1983 | Matthes, 1962 b | Richter, 1989 a | Staeck & Linke, 1982 | Statton, 1978 .
  • Size : 85 mm TL .
  • Types :
    • Julidochromis ornatus Boulenger, 1898 h: 495 (synopsis). Type locality: "Lake Tanganyika". Syntypes BMNH n° 1898.9.9: 24-26 (Mbity Rocks), MNHN n° 1898.701.