Oreochromis andersonii (Castelnau (de), 1861) |
Recherche rapide |
- Oreochromis andersonii :
- Tilapia andersonii :
Boulenger, 1899 b : 140 (junior synonym)A revision of the African and Syrian fishes of the family Cichlidae.
| Boulenger, 1911 m : 415 (junior synonym)On a collection of fishes from the Lake Ngami basin, Bechuanaland.
| Regan, 1922 a : 251 (junior synonym)The classification of the fishes of the family Cichlidae. II. On African and Syrian genera not restricted to the Great Lakes.
| Pitman, 1934 : 323 (junior synonym)Fishes.Reference to Game, Elephant Control and National Parks.
| Fowler, 1935 a : 280 (junior synonym)Scientific results of the Vernay-Lang Kalahari expedition March to September 1930. The freshwater fishes.
| Barnard, 1948 a : 448 (junior synonym)Report on a collection of fishes from the Okovango river, with notes on Zambezi fishes.
| Hickling, 1951 b : 21 (junior synonym)Fish farming.
| Sklower, 1951 : 288 (junior synonym)Fish farming and freshwater-biology in northern Rhodesia.
| Hey, 1953 : 51 (junior synonym)Programme of fish for food.
| Jubb, 1954 b : 690 (junior synonym)A note on a collection of freshwater fishes being prepared for the Queen Victoria Museum.
| Plessis (du), 1954 : 128 (junior synonym)Fish deseases in Transvaal.
| De Bont, 1956 Station de recherches piscicoles à Kipopo (Elisabethville). Rapports annuels nr. 6 (1954) et nr. 7 (1955).
| Lemasson, 1956 f : 62 (junior synonym)Deuxième symposium sur l'hydrobiologie et les pêches africaines en eaux continentales.
| Maar, 1956 : 667 (junior synonym)Tilapia culture in farm dams in Southern Rhodesia.
| Maclaren, 1956 a : 155 (junior synonym)The fisheries of the Kafue Flood plain.
| Maar, 1957 c : 205 (junior synonym)Tilapia production in Southern Rhodesia.
| Mortimer, 1957 a : 203 (junior synonym)Notes on Tilapia andersonii (Casteln.) and its culture in fish ponds in northern Rhodesia.
| Lowe-Mcconnell, 1959 : 1 (junior synonym)Breeding behaviour patterns and ecological differences between Tilapia spp. and their significance for evolution with the genus Tilapia.
| Mortimer, 1959 c : 42 (junior synonym)The fisheries of conservation dams in northern Rhodesia. Report no 1. Chilanga Dams, 1952-1957.
| Williams, 1959 : 39 (junior synonym)The Kafue Fishery.
| Bell-Cross, 1960 : 113 (junior synonym)Observations on the movements of fish in a fish ladder in Northern Rhodesia.
| Mortimer, 1960 b : 42 (junior synonym)Observations on the biology of Tilapia andersonii (Castelnau) (Pisces, Cichlidae) in northern Rhodesia.
| Mortimer, 1960 c : 185 (junior synonym)Hybrid Tilapia in Northern Rhodesia.
| Williams, 1960 : 86 (junior synonym)A review of the Kafue River Fishery.
| Jackson, 1961 b : 100 (junior synonym)The fishes of Northern Rhodesia : a checklist of indigenous species.
| Jubb, 1961 b : 80 (junior synonym)An illustrated guide to the freshwater fishes of the Zambezi river, Lake Kariba, Pungwe, Sabi, Lundi and Limpopo rivers.
| Mortimer, 1962 b : 63 (junior synonym)Notes on the salinity tolerations of certain Tilapia species (Cichlidae : Pisces) in northern Rhodesia.
| Jubb, 1963 c : 31 (junior synonym)A revised list of the freshwater fishes of southern Africa.
| Mortimer et al., 1963 : 82 (junior synonym)Ducks, vegetables and fish for profit.
| Thys van den Audenaerde, 1963 a : 603 (junior synonym)La distribution géographique des Tilapia au Congo.
| Mortimer, 1964 a : 73 (junior synonym)A report on the conservation dam fisheries of Northern Rhodesia.
| Bell-Cross, 1965 a : 31, fig. 34 (junior synonym)Additions and amendments to the check list of the fishes of Zambia.
| Mortimer & Coulter, 1965 : 1 (junior synonym)Republic of Zambia. Ministry of Natural resources and Tourism.
| Pike & Carey, 1965 : 82 (junior synonym)Kafue Flood Plain.
| Ruth & Mortimer, 1965 : 121 (junior synonym)The transport of live fish in northern Rhodesia.
| Couvreur, 1966 : 1 (junior synonym)Normes d'élevage et résultats acquis en pisciculture des Tilapia spécialement au Katanga.
| Maar et al., 1966 : 1 (junior synonym)Fish culture in Central East Africa.
| Trewavas, 1966 c : 394 (junior synonym)A preliminary review of fishes of the genus Tilapia in the eastward-flowing rivers of Africa, with proposals of two new specific names.
| Carey & Bell-Cross, 1967 : 17 (junior synonym)Breeding seasons and quantitative data on gonads and ova for certain fish species.
| Jubb, 1967 a : 194 (junior synonym)Freshwater fishes of southern Africa.
| Mortimer, 1967 : 1 (junior synonym)A rational approach to fish culture in rural areas of Zambia.
| Kelley, 1968 : 1 (junior synonym)Report to the Governement of Zambia on fishery development in the Central Barotse flood plain.
| Duerre, 1969 : 1 (junior synonym)Fishery development in the Central Barotse Flood Plain. Second Phase.
| Thys van den Audenaerde, 1969 a : xxxvii (junior synonym)An annotated bibliography of Tilapia (Pisces, Cichlidae).
| Bell-Cross & Kaoma, 1971 : 240 (junior synonym)Additions and amendments to the checklist of the fishes of Zambia. 3.
| Chapman et al., 1971 : 1 (junior synonym)Ecology of fishes in the Kafue River. Central Fisheries Research Institute, Chilanga, Zambia. Report prepared for the F.A.O. of the U. N. (acting as executing agency for the U. N. Development Programme)
| Jubb & Gaigher, 1971 : 13 (junior synonym)Check list of the fishes of Botswana.
| Lagler et al., 1971 : 1 (junior synonym)The fisheries of the Kafue river flats, Zambia, in relation to the Kafue George Dam.
| Bell-Cross, 1972 b : 10 (junior synonym)The fish fauna of the Zambesi River system.
| Fryer & Iles, 1972 : 363, fig. 150 (junior synonym)The cichlid fishes of the great Lakes of Africa.
| Balon, 1974 a : 55 (junior synonym)Fishes of Lake Kariba, Africa.
| Balon, 1974 b : 643 (junior synonym)Fishes of the edge of Victoria Falls, Africa : demise of a physical barrier for downstream invasions.
| Balon & Chadwick, 1974 : 643 (junior synonym)Time of annulus inception : a pond experiment.
| Dudley, 1974 : 281 (junior synonym)Growth of Tilapia of the Kafue floodplain, Zambia : predicted effects of the Kafue Gorge Dam.
| Everett, 1974 : 147 (junior synonym)An analysis of the 1970 commercial fish catch in three areas of the Kafue floodplain.
| Lowe-Mcconnell, 1975 : 204 (junior synonym)Fish communities in tropical freshwaters. Their distribution, ecology and evolution.
| Ibrahim, 1976 : 132 (junior synonym)Progress and present state of aquaculture in Tanzania.
| Jackson, 1976 b : 373 (junior synonym)Cabora Bassa Fish populations before and during the First Filling phase.
| Lema et al., 1976 : 433 (junior synonym)Observations on the introduction of Tilapia andersonii (Castelnau) into Tanzania from Zambia.
| Vervoort, 1980 : 651 (junior synonym)The karyotypes of seven species of Tilapia (Teleostei, Cichlidae).
| Ufermann et al., 1987 : 374 (junior synonym)Catalogue des Cichlides (Pisces, Perciformes, Cichlidae Bonaparte, 1840). Vol. 1. Alphabétique..
- Tilapia natalensis :
Boulenger, 1899 b A revision of the African and Syrian fishes of the family Cichlidae.
| Boulenger, 1907 k On a small collection of fishes made in the eastern watershed of the Transvaal by Capt. G. E. Bruce.
| Pellegrin, 1914 b : 24 (junior synonym)Poissons nouveaux du Haut-Zambèze recueillis par M.V. Ellenberger.
| Boulenger, 1915 c Catalogue of the fresh-water fishes of Africa in the British Museum (Natural History).
| Boulenger, 1916 a : 327 (junior synonym)Catalogue of the fresh-water fishes of Africa in the British Museum (Natural History).
| Gilchrist & Thompson, 1917 b The freshwater fishes of South Africa. Part VI (continued).
| Dietz, 1926 Tilapia natalensis M. Weber.
| Bodenheimer, 1927 Ueber die Geschlechterfrage bei maulbrutenden Cichliden.
| Schreitmuller, 1930 Tilapia natalensis M.W. und ihre Zucht in Aquarien.
| Fowler, 1935 b South African fishes received from Mr. H. W. Bell-Marley in 1935.
| David, 1936 d Die von Dr. Fritz Haas auf der Schomburgk-Afrika-Expedition (1931-32) gesammelten Süsswasser-fische.
| Smith, 1937 a Freshwater fishes of eastern Cape Province, South Africa.
| Barnard, 1943 Revision of the indigenous freshwater fishes of the S. W. Cape region.
| Seitz, 1948 Vergleichende Verhaltenstudien an Buntbarschen (Cichlidae).
| Baerends & Baerends-Van Roon, 1950 An introduction to the study of the ethology of cichlid fishes.
| De Bont, 1950 b La reproduction en étangs des Tilapia melanopleura (DUM.) et macrochir (BLGR).
| Bohrer, 1953 Die Zucht des Natalbarsches, Tilapia natalensis (M.Weber).
| Lowe, 1953 Notes on the ecology and evolution of Nyasa fishes of the genus Tilapia with a description of T. saka Lowe.
| Reinboth, 1956 Untersuchungen zur Maulbrutpflege von Haplochromis multicolor (Hilgendorf).
| Copley, 1958 Common freshwater fishes of East Africa.
| Matthes, 1964 a List of the types of African freshwater fishes in the Amsterdam Zoological Museum, with notes on their synonymy.
| Ufermann et al., 1987 Catalogue des Cichlides (Pisces, Perciformes, Cichlidae Bonaparte, 1840). Vol. 1. Alphabétique..
- Tilapia andersonii (part.) :
Boulenger, 1911 m : 399 (junior synonym)On a collection of fishes from the Lake Ngami basin, Bechuanaland.
| Boulenger, 1915 c : 171 (specimens 1-3 and 9-25) (junior synonym)Catalogue of the fresh-water fishes of Africa in the British Museum (Natural History).
| Gilchrist & Thompson, 1917 b : 493 (junior synonym)The freshwater fishes of South Africa. Part VI (continued).
| Barnard, 1948 b : 48 (junior synonym)Revision of the South African Cichlidae. Synonymy and notes on the species.
| Copley, 1952 a : 150 (junior synonym)The game fishes of Africa.
| Bard, 1964 a : 31 (junior synonym)Ou en est actuellement la pisciculture africaine ?
| Mortimer, 1965 d : 405 (junior synonym)Fish production from a stream in northern Rhodesia.
| Kabamba, 1966 : 1 (Kipopo specimens) (junior synonym)Pisciculture et recherches piscicoles au Congo.
| Meschkat, 1967 : 1 (junior synonym)The status of warm-water fish culture in Africa.
| Hickling, 1968 : 1 (junior synonym)Fish-hybridization.
| Lemasson & Bard, 1968 : 1 (junior synonym)Nouveaux poissons et nouveaux systèmes pour la pisciculture en Afrique..
- Tilapia kafuensis :
Boulenger, 1912 c : 138 (junior synonym)Descriptions of three new African cichlid fishes of the genus Tilapia, preserved in the British Museum.
| Boulenger, 1915 c : 153, fig. 100 (junior synonym)Catalogue of the fresh-water fishes of Africa in the British Museum (Natural History).
| Gilchrist & Thompson, 1917 b : 481, fig. 119 (junior synonym)The freshwater fishes of South Africa. Part VI (continued).
| Fowler, 1931 a : 233 (junior synonym)The fishes obtained by the De Schauensee South African Expedition, 1930.
| Fowler, 1935 a : 251 (junior synonym)Scientific results of the Vernay-Lang Kalahari expedition March to September 1930. The freshwater fishes.
| Barnard, 1948 a : 407 (junior synonym)Report on a collection of fishes from the Okovango river, with notes on Zambezi fishes.
| Barnard, 1948 b : 48 (junior synonym)Revision of the South African Cichlidae. Synonymy and notes on the species.
| Copley, 1952 a : 150 (junior synonym)The game fishes of Africa.
| Thys van den Audenaerde, 1970 c : 1 (junior synonym)Bijdrage tot een systematische en bibliographische monografie van het genus Tilapia (Pisces, Cichlidae).
| Trewavas, 1983 : 323 (junior synonym)Tilapiine fishes of the genera Sarotherodon, Oreochromis and Danakilia.
| Ufermann et al., 1987 : 382 (junior synonym)Catalogue des Cichlides (Pisces, Perciformes, Cichlidae Bonaparte, 1840). Vol. 1. Alphabétique..
- Tilapia (Sarotherodon) andersonii :
Trewavas, 1966 c A preliminary review of fishes of the genus Tilapia in the eastward-flowing rivers of Africa, with proposals of two new specific names..
- Tilapia (Oreochromis) andersonii :
Thys van den Audenaerde, 1969 a An annotated bibliography of Tilapia (Pisces, Cichlidae).
| Ufermann et al., 1987 Catalogue des Cichlides (Pisces, Perciformes, Cichlidae Bonaparte, 1840). Vol. 1. Alphabétique..
- Sarotherodon andersonii :
Kapetsky, 1974 : 501, figs. 77, 78 (junior synonym)The Kafue River Floodplain : an example of pre-impoundment potential for fish production.
| Bell-Cross, 1976 a : 213, pl. 21, 57 (junior synonym)The fishes of Rhodesia.
| Dudley, 1979 : 205 (junior synonym)Changes in growth and size distribution of Sarotherodon macrochir and Sarotherodon andersoni from the Kafue floodplain, Zambia, since construction of the Kafue Gorge Dam.
| Dudley & Scully, 1980 : 521 (junior synonym)Changes in experimental gillnet catches from the Kafue floodplain, Zambia, since construction of the Kafue Gorge Dam.
| van der Waal, 1980 : 15 (junior synonym)Aspects of the fisheries of Lake Liambezi, Caprivi.
| Philippart & Ruwet, 1982 : 19, fig. 2b, 4 (junior synonym)Ecology and distribution of tilapias.
| Ufermann et al., 1987 : 351 (junior synonym)Catalogue des Cichlides (Pisces, Perciformes, Cichlidae Bonaparte, 1840). Vol. 1. Alphabétique..
- Oreochromis (Oreochromis) andersonii :
Matthiessen & Roberts, 1982 : 153 (junior synonym)Histopathological changes in the liver and brain of fish exposed to endosulfan insecticide during tsetse fly control operations in Botswana.
| Kenmuir, 1983 : 1 (junior synonym)Fishes of Lake Kariba.
| Trewavas, 1983 : 323, figs. 107, 109 (junior synonym)Tilapiine fishes of the genera Sarotherodon, Oreochromis and Danakilia.
| Skelton et al., 1985 : 1 (junior synonym)The fishes of the Okavango drainage system in Angola, South West Africa and Botswana : taxonomy and distribution.
| Welcomme, 1985 : 152 (junior synonym)River fisheries.
| Ufermann et al., 1987 : 285 (junior synonym)Catalogue des Cichlides (Pisces, Perciformes, Cichlidae Bonaparte, 1840). Vol. 1. Alphabétique..
- Chromys andersonii :
Ufermann et al., 1987 : 80 (junior synonym)Catalogue des Cichlides (Pisces, Perciformes, Cichlidae Bonaparte, 1840). Vol. 1. Alphabétique..
- DISTRIBUTION: Lien Faunafri
Aquaculture_farming :
Lema et al., 1976
Lemasson & Bard, 1968
Meschkat, 1967
Mortimer, 1962 a
Mortimer, 1965 b
Mortimer, 1967
Schoenen, 1985
Bibliography :
Balarin & Hatton, 1979
Schoenen, 1985
Thys van den Audenaerde, 1969 a
Current distribution known :
Ngami basin, Okavango River; Cunene River and Mossamedes, Angola; Upper Zambezi, Kafue River; spread to Middle Zambezi, Lake Karibaand Cabora Bassa since construction of dams
Ecology :
Bell-Cross, 1976
Chapman et al., 1971
Coulter & Mortimer, 1965
Dudley, 1974
Dudley, 1979
Dudley & Scully, 1980
Duerre, 1969
Everett, 1974
Kapetsky, 1974
Kelley, 1968
Lagler et al., 1971
Moreau et al., 1986
Mortimer, 1960 b
Trewavas, 1983
Williams, 1971
Fisheries / overfishing :
Welcomme, 1985
Food habits_references :
Carey, 1968
Mortimer, 1960 b
Genetics :
McAndrew & Majumdar, 1983
McAndrew & Majumdar, 1984
Vervoort, 1980
Haematology :
Matthiessen, 1981
Matthiessen & Roberts, 1982
Hybridization :
Ibrahim, 1974
Ibrahim, 1976
Mortimer, 1962 c
Trewavas, 1983
Parasites :
Batra, 1984
Physiology / metabolism :
Mortimer, 1962 b
Mortimer, 1964 a
Philippart & Ruwet, 1982
Trewavas, 1983
Welcomme, 1972
Reproduction_references :
Carey & Bell-Cross, 1967
Fryer & Iles, 1972
Mortimer, 1960 b
Size :
344 mm SL
Types :
Chromys andersonii Castelnau (de), 1861: 14. Type locality: "Lake Ngami". Neotype BMNH n° 1910.5.31: 72 (designated by Trewavas, 1966 c: 414) from Okavango River.
Tilapia kafuensis Boulenger, 1912 c: 138. Type locality: "Kafue river". Holotype BMNH n° 1908.11.6: 47| Boulenger, 1915 c: 153, fig. 100.
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