Oreochromis urolepis hornorum (Trewavas, 1966) |
Recherche rapide |
- Tilapia mossambica (part.) (non Peters, 1852) :
Boulenger, 1899 b : 98 (junior synonym)A revision of the African and Syrian fishes of the family Cichlidae.
| Pellegrin, 1904 a : 300 (junior synonym)Contribution à l'étude anatomique, biologique et taxinomique des poissons de la famille des Cichlidés.
| Boulenger, 1915 c : (specimens 1, 2) (junior synonym)Catalogue of the fresh-water fishes of Africa in the British Museum (Natural History).
| Lohberger, 1930 b : 94 (junior synonym)Fische aus dem Wamifluss.
| Myers, 1949 c : 147 (junior synonym)Cichlid fishes in salt water.
| Whitehead, 1960 a : 878 (junior synonym)Interspecific hybrids of Tilapia : T. nigra and T. zillii.
| Bard, 1964 a : 31 (junior synonym)Ou en est actuellement la pisciculture africaine ?
| Pruginin, 1965 : 1 (junior synonym)Report to the government of Uganda on the experimental fish culture project in Uganda, 1962-64.
| Pruginin & Kanyike, 1965 a : 1 (junior synonym)Mono-sex culture of Tilapia through hybridization.
| Lemasson, 1966 : 42 (junior synonym)Premier symposium mondial sur la pisciculture en étang à température élevée.
| Meschkat, 1967 : 1 (junior synonym)The status of warm-water fish culture in Africa.
| Semakula & Makoro, 1967 : 1 (junior synonym)The culture of Tilapia species in Uganda.
| Hickling, 1968 : 1 (junior synonym)Fish-hybridization.
| Kuronuma, 1968 : 1 (junior synonym)New systems and fishes for culture in the far East.
| Lemasson & Bard, 1968 : 1 (junior synonym)Nouveaux poissons et nouveaux systèmes pour la pisciculture en Afrique.
| Pruginin, 1968 : 223 (junior synonym)The culture of carp and Tilapia hybrids in Uganda..
- Tilapia adolfi (part.) (non Steindachner, 1915) :
Steindachner, 1916 : 82-83 (junior synonym)Bericht über die ichthyologischen Aufsammlungen der Brüder Adolf und Albin Horn während einer im Sommer 1913 ausgeführten Reise nach Deutsch-Ostafrika.
| Regan, 1922 a : 251 (junior synonym)The classification of the fishes of the family Cichlidae. II. On African and Syrian genera not restricted to the Great Lakes..
- Tilapia nilotica (non Linnaeus, 1758) :
Lohberger, 1930 b : 94 (junior synonym)Fische aus dem Wamifluss..
- Tilapia sp. (unknown) :
Talbot & Newell, 1957 : 118 (junior synonym)A preliminary note on the breeding and growth of Tilapia in marine fish ponds on Zanzibar island.
| Hickling, 1959 a : 287 (junior synonym)The fish culture research station, Malacca.
| Hickling, 1959 b : 27 (junior synonym)Some marking experiments with the Tilapia fish.
| Hickling, 1960 : 1 (junior synonym)The Malacca Tilapia hybrids.
| Hickling, 1962 : 1 (junior synonym)Fish culture.
| Hickling, 1963 : 152 (junior synonym)The cultivation of Tilapia..
- Oreochromis urolepis hornorum :
- Tilapia hornorum :
Chen, 1967 : 43 (junior synonym)Preliminary studies on the sex determining mechanism of Tilapia mossambica Peters and Tilapia hornorum Trewavas.
| Rabanal, 1968 : 274 (junior synonym)Stock manipulation and other biological methods of increasing production of fish through pond fish culture in Asia and the Far East.
| Trewavas, 1968 : 246 (junior synonym)The name and natural distribution of the tilapia from Zanzibar (Pisces, Cichlidae). Proc. World Symp. warm-water pond fish Culture.
| Chen, 1969 : 719, fig. 1 (junior synonym)Preliminary studies on the sex-determining mecanism of Tilapia mossambica Peters and T. hornorum Trewavas.
| Thys van den Audenaerde, 1969 a : xxxvi (junior synonym)An annotated bibliography of Tilapia (Pisces, Cichlidae).
| Chen & Tsuyuki, 1970 : 2167 (junior synonym)Zone electrophoretic studies on the proteins of Tilapia mossambica and T. hornorum and their F1 hybrids, T. zillii and T. melanopleura.
| Mires, 1977 : 94 (junior synonym)Theoretical and practical aspects of the production of all male Tilapia hybrids.
| Avtalion & Hammerman, 1978 : 110 (junior synonym)Sex determination in Sarotherodon (Tilapia). I. Introduction to a theory of autosomal influence.
| Hammerman & Avtalion, 1979 : 243 (junior synonym)Sex determination in Sarotherodon (Tilapia). II. The sex-ratio as a tool for determination of genotype. A model of autosomal and gonosomal influence.
| Obi, 1982 : 568 (junior synonym)Fry production, gonadal sex differentiation and sex reversal in Tilapia hornorum Trewavas.
| Ufermann et al., 1987 : 381 (junior synonym)Catalogue des Cichlides (Pisces, Perciformes, Cichlidae Bonaparte, 1840). Vol. 1. Alphabétique..
- Tilapia (Oreochromis) hornorum :
Thys van den Audenaerde, 1969 a An annotated bibliography of Tilapia (Pisces, Cichlidae).
| Ufermann et al., 1987 Catalogue des Cichlides (Pisces, Perciformes, Cichlidae Bonaparte, 1840). Vol. 1. Alphabétique..
- Sarotherodon hornorum :
Seegers, 1981 f : 161 (junior synonym)Sarotherodon hornorum, S. urolepis und S. mossambicus, drei Grosscichliden aus Ostafrika : Ichthyologische Ergebnisse aus Tanzania 2.
| Ufermann et al., 1987 : 353 (junior synonym)Catalogue des Cichlides (Pisces, Perciformes, Cichlidae Bonaparte, 1840). Vol. 1. Alphabétique..
- Oreochromis (Oreochromis) urolepis hornorum :
Trewavas, 1983 : 278, fig. 95 (junior synonym)Tilapiine fishes of the genera Sarotherodon, Oreochromis and Danakilia.
| Ufermann et al., 1987 : 295 (junior synonym)Catalogue des Cichlides (Pisces, Perciformes, Cichlidae Bonaparte, 1840). Vol. 1. Alphabétique..
- DISTRIBUTION: Lien Faunafri
Aquaculture_farming :
Pruginin & Kanyike, 1965 a
Rabanal., 1968
Semakula & Makoro, 1967
Current distribution known :
Wami River system (Tanzania) and Zanzibar (possibly introduced)
Genetics :
Avtalion & Hammerman, 1978
Hammerman & Avtalion, 1979
Hybridization :
Chen, 1969
Pruginin, 1965
Size :
240 mm SL
Types :
Tilapia hornorum Trewavas, 1966 c: 409. Type locality: "Mukondokwa river, Wami system, near Kilosa". Holotype NMW n° 24.782 (= lectotype of Tilapia adolphi); paratype NMW n° 24.783.
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