Oreochromis esculentus (Graham, 1928) |
Recherche rapide |
- Tilapia galilaea (part.) (non Linnaeus, 1758) :
Pellegrin, 1904 g : 183 (junior synonym)Mission scientifique de Ch. Alluaud en Afrique orientale (juin 1903-mai 1904), poissons II - systématique..
- Tilapia variabilis (part.) (non Boulenger, 1906) :
Boulenger, 1906 b : 447 (junior synonym)Descriptions of new fishes discovered by Mr. E. Degen in Lake Victoria.
| Boulenger, 1911 b : 373 (junior synonym)Descriptions of new freshwater fishes discovered by Dr. W. J. Ansorge in Portuguese Guinea.
| Boulenger, 1915 c : 167 (junior synonym)Catalogue of the fresh-water fishes of Africa in the British Museum (Natural History)..
- Tilapia eduardiana (part.) :
Boulenger, 1915 c : 167 (Lake Gangu specimens). (junior synonym)Catalogue of the fresh-water fishes of Africa in the British Museum (Natural History)..
- Tilapia sp. "Ngege" (nomen nudum) :
Dobbs, 1928 : 97 (junior synonym)Fishing in the Kavirondo Gulf, Lake Victoria.
| Pitman, 1950 a : 33 (junior synonym)Annual report of the game department. 1948.
| Pitman, 1950 b : 34 (junior synonym)Annual report of the game deparment. 1949.
| Rhodes, 1956 : 67 (junior synonym)General account of Uganda's fisheries..
- Oreochromis esculentus :
- Tilapia esculenta :
Graham, 1929 : 111, figs. 1, 58-62 (junior synonym)The Victoria Nyanza and its fisheries - A report on the fishing survey of Lake Victoria 1927-28.
| Worthington, 1929 b : 109 (junior synonym)A report on the fishing survey of lakes Albert and Kioga (March to July 1928).
| Worthington, 1932 a : 66 (junior synonym)A report on the fisheries of Uganda investigated by the Cambridge expedition to the East African lakes (1930-1931).
| Trewavas, 1933 a : 309 (junior synonym)Scientific results of the Cambridge expedition to the East African lakes 1930-1931. 2. The cichlid fishes.
| Trewavas, 1937 : 381 (junior synonym)The fossil cichlid fishes of Dr. L. S. B. Leakey's expedition to Kenya in 1934-1935.
| Pitman, 1938 : 1 (junior synonym)Annual report of the game department. 1937.
| Beirens, 1944 : 1 (junior synonym)De Congoleesche Vischfauna.
| Pitman, 1948 : 1 (junior synonym)Annual report of the game department, Part II. Fisheries, 1940-1945 + 1946.
| Pitman, 1949 : 34 (junior synonym)Annual report of the game department. 1947.
| De Bont, 1950 b : 303 (junior synonym)La reproduction en étangs des Tilapia melanopleura (DUM.) et macrochir (BLGR).
| De Bont & De Bont-Hers, 1950 : 313 (junior synonym)Croissance et dimorphisme sexuel chez les Tilapia melanopleura (DUM) et macrochir (BLGR) en étangs.
| De Bont et al., 1950 : 293 (junior synonym)Régime alimentaire des Tilapia melanopleura et macrochir en étangs.
| E.A.F.R.O., 1951 : 1 (junior synonym)East African Fisheries Research Organisation, Annual Report 1950.
| Fish, 1951 : 901 (junior synonym)Digestion in Tilapia esculenta.
| Gould, 1951 : 1 (junior synonym)Progress of fish farming in the Territory (Tanganyika).
| Copley, 1952 b : 30 (junior synonym)The tilapias of Kenya Colony.
| E.A.F.R.O., 1952 a : 1 (junior synonym)East African Fisheries Research Organisation, Annual Report 1951.
| E.A.F.R.O., 1953 b : 1 (junior synonym)East African Fisheries Research Organisation, Annual Report 1952.
| Greenwood, 1953 : 207 (junior synonym)Feeding mechanism of the cichlid fish Tilapia esculenta Graham.
| E.A.F.R.O., 1954 b : 1 (junior synonym)East African Fisheries Research Organisation, Annual Report 1953.
| Fish, 1954 : 72 (junior synonym)The food of Tilapia in East-Africa.
| Kelsall, 1954 : 70 (junior synonym)Breeding of Tilapia esculenta in the Tanganyika waters of Lake Victoria.
| Lowe, 1954 : 68 (junior synonym)Some aspects of Tilapia-research in East Africa.
| Beauchamp, 1955 b : 30 (junior synonym)The danger of overfishing existing stocks of Tilapia, with particular reference to Lake Victoria and the Kavirondo Gulf.
| Chimitz, 1955 : 1 (junior synonym)Le Tilapia et son élevage. Bibliographie provisoire. (Tilapia and its culture).
| E.A.F.R.O., 1955 : 1 (junior synonym)East African Fisheries Research Organisation, Annual Report 1954/1955.
| Fish, 1955 : 85 (junior synonym)The food of Tilapia in East Africa.
| Greenwood, 1955 a : 137 (junior synonym)The fishes of Uganda. I.
| Holden, 1955 : 36 (junior synonym)Ring formation in the scales of Tilapia variabilis (Boulenger) and Tilapia esculenta (Graham) from Lake Victoria.
| Lowe-Mcconnell, 1955 a : 45 (junior synonym)The fecundity of Tilapia species.
| Lowe-Mcconnell, 1955 b : 256 (junior synonym)Species of Tilapia in East African Dams with a key for their identification.
| Lowe-Mcconnell, 1955 c : 347 (junior synonym)New species of Tilapia (Pisces, Cichlidae) from Lake Jipe and the Pangani River, East Africa.
| Beauchamp, 1956 : 1 (junior synonym)The efficient utilisation of the fisheries of Lake Victoria.
| Copley, 1956 : 1 (junior synonym)Review of Kenya fisheries 1955.
| Fish, 1956 : 186 (junior synonym)Some aspects of the respiration of six species of fish from Uganda.
| Garrod, 1956 : 20 (junior synonym)Ring formation in the scales of Tilapia esculenta.
| Kiener, 1956 a : 714 (junior synonym)Essor de la pisciculture.
| Lemasson, 1956 e : 44 (junior synonym)L'organisation de recherches piscicoles de l'Est africain à Jinja (Uganda).
| Lowe-Mcconnell, 1956 c : 1 (junior synonym)Observations on the biology of Tilapia (Pisces, Cichlidae) in Lake Victoria, East Africa.
| Whitehead, 1956 : 11 (junior synonym)Annual report of the biologist for the year 1955.
| Chimitz, 1957 : 1 (junior synonym)Les Tilapias et leur élevage. Seconde étude et bibliographie. (The Tilapias and their culture).
| Greenwood, 1957 c : 191 (junior synonym)The fishes of Uganda. IV.
| Kiener, 1957 a : 59 (junior synonym)Aperçu général de la pisciculture et de la pêche à Madagascar.
| Kiener, 1957 b : 107 (junior synonym)Afrique-Madagascar sous le signe du Tilapia (Mission Brazzaville, juillet 1956).
| Kiener, 1957 c : 739 (junior synonym)Recherches piscicoles et développement de la pisciculture dans la Grande Ile au cours de l'année 1956.
| Lemasson, 1957 d : 57 (junior synonym)Chronique piscicole : réflexions sur la pêche et la pisciculture à Madagascar.
| Lowe-Mcconnell, 1957 : 353 (junior synonym)Observations on the diagnosis and biology of Tilapia leucosticta Trewavas in East Africa.
| Baker, 1958 : 41 (junior synonym)Protozoan parasites.
| Beauchamp, 1958 : 1634 (junior synonym)Utilizing the natural ressources of Lake Victoria forthe benefit of fisheries and agriculture.
| Copley, 1958 : 1 (junior synonym)Common freshwater fishes of East Africa.
| Crutchfield, 1958 : 1 (junior synonym)A report on the structure of fish marketing in Uganda.
| E.A.F.R.O., 1958 : 1 (junior synonym)East African Fisheries Research Organisation, Annual Report 1956/1957.
| Garrod, 1958 : 36 (junior synonym)On the growth of Tilapia esculenta (Graham).
| Garrod & Newell, 1958 : 1411 (junior synonym)Ring formation in Tilapia esculenta.
| Lowe-Mcconnell, 1958 : 129 (junior synonym)Observations on the biology of T. nilotica in East African waters.
| Beverton, 1959 : 1 (junior synonym)Report on the state of Lake Victoria's fisheries.
| Cridland, 1959 : 41 (junior synonym)Laboratory experiments on the growth of Tilapia spp.
| E.A.F.R.O., 1959 : 1 (junior synonym)East African Fisheries Research Organisation, Annual Report 1958.
| Garrod, 1959 : 268 (junior synonym)The growth of Tilapia esculenta in Lake Victoria.
| Lowe-Mcconnell, 1959 : 1 (junior synonym)Breeding behaviour patterns and ecological differences between Tilapia spp. and their significance for evolution with the genus Tilapia.
| Whitehead, 1959 a : 329 (junior synonym)The anadromous fishes of Lake Victoria.
| Whitehead, 1959 b : 1509 (junior synonym)Feeding mechanism of Tilapia nigra.
| Yonge, 1959 : 184 (junior synonym)Freshwater fishery research in East Africa.
| Anonymous, 1960 b : 15 (junior synonym)A note on the value of determining the length frequency distribution of fish caught commercially in gill nets.
| Baker, 1960 : 515 (junior synonym)Trypanosomes and dactylosomes from the blood of freshwater fishes in East Africa.
| Beauchamp, 1960 b : 97 (junior synonym)The commercial value of studies on fish behaviour with particular reference to Lake Victoria.
| Beauchamp, 1960 c : 357 (junior synonym)Utilizing the natural ressources of Lake Victoria for the benefit of both fisheries and agriculture.
| Cridland, 1960 b : 135 (junior synonym)Laboratory experiments on the growth of Tilapia spp. 1. The value of various foods.
| E.A.F.F.R.O., 1960 a : 1 (junior synonym)East African Fisheries Research Organisation, Annual Report 1959.
| E.A.F.F.R.O., 1960 b : 1 (junior synonym)East African Freshwater Fisheries Research Organisation, Annual Report, 1960.
| Fryer, 1960 f : 569 (junior synonym)Some contreversial aspects of speciation of African cichlid fishes.
| Garrod, 1960 a : 42 (junior synonym)The fisheries of Lake Victoria, 1954-1959.
| Garrod, 1960 b : 18 (junior synonym)The Waigalla Fishery
| Garrod, 1960 d : 126 (junior synonym)Some effects of changes in mesh legislation upon the fishing industry of Lake Victoria.
| Garrod, 1960 e : 12 (junior synonym)Fish population studies on Lake Victoria.
| Hickling, 1960 : 1 (junior synonym)The Malacca Tilapia hybrids.
| Huet, 1960 : 1 (junior synonym)Traité de pisciculture.
| Whitehead, 1960 a : 878 (junior synonym)Interspecific hybrids of Tilapia : T. nigra and T. zillii.
| Cridland, 1961 : 177 (junior synonym)Laboratory experiments on the growth of Tilapia spp. 2. The reproduction of T. esculenta under artificial conditions.
| Garrod, 1961 a : 69 (junior synonym)The rational exploitation of the Tilapia esculenta stock of the North Buvuma island area, Lake Victoria.
| Garrod, 1961 b : 191 (junior synonym)The selection characteristics of nylon gill-nets for Tilapia esculenta Graham.
| Garrod, 1961 c : 95 (junior synonym)The history of the fishing industry of Lake Victoria, East Africa, in relation to the expansion of marketing facilities.
| Garrod, 1961 d : 1 (junior synonym)Nécessité des recherches sur la dynamique biologique des espèces tropicales, surtout du "Niugu" (Labeo victorianus) du Lac Victoria.
| Lemasson, 1961 c : 49 (junior synonym)Recherches piscicoles en Afrique Orientale.
| Peters, 1961 : 470 (junior synonym)Zur morphologischen Kennzeichnung der ethologischen Gruppen der Gattung Tilapia (Teleostei, Cichlidae).
| Webbe, 1961 : 525 (junior synonym)Laboratory and field trials of a new molluscicide, Bayer 73, in Tanganyika.
| Beadle, 1962 : 44 (junior synonym)The evolution of species in the Lakes of East Africa.
| E.A.F.F.R.O., 1962 : 1 (junior synonym)East African Freshwater Fisheries Research Organisation, Annual Report, 1961.
| Garrod, 1963 a : 195 (junior synonym)An estimation of the mortality rates in a population of Tilapia esculenta Graham (Pisces, Cichlidae) in Lake Victoria, East Africa.
| Thys van den Audenaerde, 1963 a : 570 (junior synonym)La distribution géographique des Tilapia au Congo.
| Dibbs, 1964 : 1 (junior synonym)Economic survey of marine and inland fisheries.
| E.A.F.F.R.O., 1964 : 1 (junior synonym)East African Freshwater Fisheries Research Organisation, Annual Report, 1962/1963.
| Wasawo, 1964 : 196 (junior synonym)Some problems of Uganda swamps.
| Welcomme, 1964 a : 129 (junior synonym)Diagnosis and key to the juveniles of Tilapia (Pisces, Cichlidae) in Lake Victoria.
| Welcomme, 1964 b : 32 (junior synonym)The ecology of the fishes of a small river of the Lake Victoria basin.
| Welcomme, 1964 c : 1 (junior synonym)The habitats and habitat preferences of the young of the Lake Victoria Tilapia (Pisces, Cichlidae).
| Welcomme, 1964 d : 36 (junior synonym)Notes on the present distribution and habits of the non endemic species of Tilapia which have been introduced into Lake Victoria.
| Welcomme, 1964 e : 25 (junior synonym)Observations on the habitat preferences of the young of Tilapia spp. in Lake Victoria.
| Worthington, 1964 : 183 (junior synonym)Inland waters.
| Bailey, 1965 : 409 (junior synonym)The Dam Fisheries of Tanzania.
| Coulter et al., 1965 : 4, fig. 58 (junior synonym)Unique opportunities for research in the great lakes of Central Africa.
| E.A.F.F.R.O., 1965 : 1 (junior synonym)East African Freshwater Fisheries Research Organisation Annual Report, 1964.
| Greenwood, 1965 b : 315 (junior synonym)The cichlid fishes of Lake Nabugabo, Uganda.
| Trewavas & Fryer, 1965 : 108 (junior synonym)Species of Tilapia (Pisces, Cichlidae) in Lake Kitangiri, Tanzania, East Africa.
| Welcomme, 1965 b : 1 (junior synonym)Notes on the Haplochromis of Bugungu lagoon, Lake Victoria.
| Greenwood, 1966 a : 1 (junior synonym)The fishes of Uganda. Second, revised edition.
| Lemasson, 1966 : 42 (junior synonym)Premier symposium mondial sur la pisciculture en étang à température élevée.
| Welcomme, 1966 a : 74 (junior synonym)The possible role of marginal lagoons and beaches in the improvement of the quantity of Tilapia stocks in Lake Victoria.
| Welcomme, 1966 c : 44 (junior synonym)Studies on enclosed lagoons in the Jinja area.
| E.A.F.F.R.O., 1967 : 1 (junior synonym)East African Frshwater Fisheries Research Organisation, Annual Report, 1966.
| Gee & Gilbert, 1967 : 33 (junior synonym)Experimental trawling operations in Lake Victoria.
| Meschkat, 1967 : 1 (junior synonym)The status of warm-water fish culture in Africa.
| Petr, 1967 c : 600 (junior synonym)International symposium on Man-made Lakes (21-24 November 1966 in Accra, Ghana).
| Welcomme, 1967 b : 16 (junior synonym)Preliminary studies on the food of Tilapia esculenta Graham.
| Gee, 1968 : 55 (junior synonym)Trawling operations on Lake Victoria.
| Lemasson & Bard, 1968 : 1 (junior synonym)Nouveaux poissons et nouveaux systèmes pour la pisciculture en Afrique.
| Thys van den Audenaerde, 1969 a : xxxviii. (junior synonym)An annotated bibliography of Tilapia (Pisces, Cichlidae).
| Payne, 1971 : 325 (junior synonym)An experiment on the culture of Tilapia esculenta (Graham) and Tilapia zillii (Gervais) (Cichlidae) in fish ponds.
| Bailey & Denny, 1978 : 151 (junior synonym)The 1974 biological survey of Nyumba ya Mungu reservoir, Tanzania. Concluding remarks.
| Denny et al., 1978 : 139 (junior synonym)The importance of the littoral epiphyton as food for the commercial fish of the recent man-made lake Nyumba ya Mungu, Tanzania : 139-150.
| Ufermann et al., 1987 : 379 (junior synonym)Catalogue des Cichlides (Pisces, Perciformes, Cichlidae Bonaparte, 1840). Vol. 1. Alphabétique..
- Sarotherodon esculentus :
Petr, 1975 : 45 (junior synonym)Limnology and fisheries of the Nyumba Ya Mungu, a man made Lake in Tanzania.
| Bailey et al., 1978 : 114 (junior synonym)The ecology of the fishes in Nyumba ya Mungu reservoir, Tanzania.
| Bernacsek, 1980 : 50 (junior synonym)Introduction to the freshwater fishes of Tanzania.
| Wohlfarth & Hulata, 1981 : 4 (junior synonym)Applied genetics of tilapias.
| Ufermann et al., 1987 : 351 (junior synonym)Catalogue des Cichlides (Pisces, Perciformes, Cichlidae Bonaparte, 1840). Vol. 1. Alphabétique..
- Oreochromis Oreochromis esculentus :
Trewavas, 1983 : 209, fig. 69 (junior synonym)Tilapiine fishes of the genera Sarotherodon, Oreochromis and Danakilia.
| Ufermann et al., 1987 : 286 (junior synonym)Catalogue des Cichlides (Pisces, Perciformes, Cichlidae Bonaparte, 1840). Vol. 1. Alphabétique..
- DISTRIBUTION: Lien Faunafri
Aquaculture_farming :
Chimitz, 1955
Chimitz, 1957
Kiener, 1957 a
Kiener, 1957 c
Lemasson & Bard, 1968
Meschkat, 1967
Biology :
Bailey et al., 1978.
Copley, 1952 b
Welcomme, 1964 b
Current distribution known :
Lake Victoria, Lake Nabugabo, Lakes Kioga and Kwania, and the Victoria Nile above the Murchison Falls; the Malawa River (Uganda) and Lake Gangu, west of Lake Victoria
Fisheries / overfishing :
Anon, 1960 b
Bailey, 1965
Beauchamp, 1955
Beauchamp, 1956
Beauchamp, 1958
Beauchamp, 1960 c
Beauchamp, 1961
Beverton, 1959
Garrod, 1960 a
Garrod, 1960 b
Garrod, 1960 d
Garrod, 1961 a
Garrod, 1961 b
Garrod, 1961 c
Gee, 1968
Gee & Gilbert, 1967
Petr, 1967 c
Pitman, 1948
Pitman, 1949
Food habits_references :
Denny et al., 1978
Fish, 1951
Fish, 1954
Fish, 1955
Greenwood, 1953
Welcomme, 1967 b
Growth / growth performance :
Cridland, 1959
Cridland, 1960
Garrod, 1956
Garrod, 1958
Garrod, 1959
Garrod & Newell, 1958
Holden, 1955
Payne, 1971
Habits_references :
Welcomme, 1964 c
Welcomme, 1964 e
Welcomme, 1966 a
Welcomme, 1966 c
Population biology / population structure / population dynamics :
Garrod, 1960 e
Garrod, 1963 a
Reproduction_references :
Cridland, 1961
Kelsall, 1954
Size :
294 mm SL
Types :
Tilapia esculenta Graham, 1928: 210, pl. 9, fig. 1; pl. 10, fig. A; pl. 11. Type locality: "Lake Victoria". Holotype BMNH n° 1928.5.24: 99; paratypes (38) BMNH n° 1928.5.24: 58-77, n° 1928.5.30: 1-22.
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