Perissodus microlepis Boulenger, 1898 |
Recherche rapide |
- Perissodus microlepis :
Boulenger, 1898 e : 21, pl. 6, fig. 2Report on the collection of fishes made by Mr. J. E. S. Moore in lake Tanganyika during his expedition 1895-1896, with an appendix by J. E. S. Moore.
| Boulenger, 1898 h Report on the fishes recently obtained by Mr. J.E.S. Moore in Lake Tanganyika.
| Boulenger, 1899 b : 142A revision of the African and Syrian fishes of the family Cichlidae.
| Boulenger, 1901 p : 141Third contribution to the ichthyology of lake Tanganika. Report on the collection of fishes made by Mr. J. E. S. Moore in lakes Tanganika and Kivu during his second expedition, 1899-1900.
| Boulenger, 1901 q : 485Les poissons du bassin du Congo.
| Moore, 1903 : 212, fig.The Tanganyika Problem. An account of the researches undertaken concerning the existence of marine animals in Central Afrika.
| Pellegrin, 1904 a : 362Contribution à l'étude anatomique, biologique et taxinomique des poissons de la famille des Cichlidés.
| Boulenger, 1905 c : 58A list of freshwater fishes of Africa.
| Boulenger, 1915 c : 497, fig. 345Catalogue of the fresh-water fishes of Africa in the British Museum (Natural History).
| Cunnington, 1920 : 529The fauna of the African lakes : a study in comparative limnology with special reference to Tanganyika.
| Regan, 1920 a : 44The classification of the fishes of the family Cichlidae. 1. The Tanganyika genera.
| Poll, 1946 : 269Révision de la faune ichthyologique du lac Tanganika.
| Poll, 1952 g : 119, map.Résultats scientifiques de l'Exploration Hydrobiologique du Lac Tanganika (1946-47). Introduction : les vertébrés.
| Poll, 1956 b : 415, fig. 85Poissons Cichlidae.
| Poll, 1957 a : 160, pl. 47Les genres des poissons d'eau douce de l'Afrique.
| Ladiges, 1959 a : 431Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Cichliden des Tanganjika Sees. 7.
| Coulter, 1966 b : 34 , tab. 1The deep benthic fishes at the South of Lake Tanganyika with special reference to distribution and feeding in Bathybates species, Hemibates stenosoma and Chrysichthys species.
| Bell-Cross & Kaoma, 1971 : 243, tab. 2Additions and amendments to the checklist of the fishes of Zambia. 3.
| Fryer & Iles, 1972 : 34, fig. 134The cichlid fishes of the great Lakes of Africa.
| Liem & Stewart, 1976 : 321, tab. 1, 2, fig., pl.Evolution of the scale-eating cichlid of Lake Tanganyika : a generic revision with a description of a new species.
| Berglund, 1978 : 15Observations on the cichlid fishes of the stony littoral in Lake Tanganyika.
| Brichard, 1978 a : 188Notes sur le comportement nocturne de certaines espèces de poissons pétricoles du Lac Tanganyka.
| Brichard, 1978 b : 203Un inventaire des poissons du Cap Chopimbi Lac Tanganyka (Zambie).
| Brichard, 1978 d : 256, phot.Fishes of Lake Tanganyika.
| Greenwood, 1978 : 308A review of the Pharyngeal apophysis and its significance in the classification of African cichlid fishes.
| Mayland, 1978 : 275Grosse Aquarienpraxis III. Cichliden und Fischzucht.
| Kawabata & Mihigo, 1982 : 139, tab. 1Littoral fish fauna near Uvira, northwestern end of Lake Tanganyika.
| Neergaard, 1982 : 139Tanganjika-cichliden.
| Hori et al., 1983 : 30, tab. 4Abundance and micro-distribution of cichlid fishes on a rocky shore of Lake Tanganyika.
| Yanagisawa & Nshombo, 1983 : 23Reproduction and parental care of the scale eating fish Perissodus microlepis in Lake Tanganyika.
| Barel, 1984 : 357, tab. 1Towards a constructional morphology of cichlid fishes (Teleostei, Perciformes).
| Nshombo et al., 1985 : 66, tab. 2Scale-eating in Perissodus microlepis (Cichlidae) and change of its food habits with growth.
| Staeck, 1985 b : 20, fig. 1Untersuchungen zur Evolutionsbiologie und Oekologie ostafrikanischer Buntbarsche-Freilanduntersuchungen am Tanganyika-und Malawisee.
| Staeck, 1985 f : 95Cichliden. Tanganjika-See.
| Yamaoka, 1985 : 254Intestinal coiling pattern in the epilithic algal-feeding cichlids (Pisces, Teleostei) of Lake Tanganyika, and its phylogenetic significance.
| Yanagisawa, 1985 : 241Parental strategy of the cichlid fish Perissodus microlepis, with particular reference to intraspecific brood "farming out".
| Axelrod & Burgess, 1986 : 390, phot.African cichlids of Lakes Malawi and Tanganyika.
| Axelrod et al., 1986 : pl. 331Dr. Axelrod's atlas of freshwater aquarium fishes.
| Eccles, 1986 b : 119, fig. 1Is speciation of demersal fishes in Lake Tanganyika restrained by physical limnological conditions ?
| Kawanabe, 1986 : 124Cooperative study on the ecology of Lake Tanganyika between Japanese and African Scientists, with special reference to mutual interactions among fishes.
| Mihigo, 1986 : 31, fig. 2, tab. 1Description of larvae and juveniles of cichlid in Lake Tanganyika (Osteichtyes : Cichlidae) (I).
| Poll, 1986 : 149Classification des Cichlidae du lac Tanganika. Tribus, genres et espèces.
| Tawil, 1986 b : 26Les mangeurs d'écailles du Tanganyika. Un groupe évolutif remarquable.
| Herrmann, 1987 a : 202, phot.Die Buntbarsche der Alten Welt. Tanganjikasee.
| Kuwamura, 1987 : 3, tab. 1Distribution of fishes in relation to the depth and substrate at Myako, east-middle coast of Lake Tanganyika.
| Ufermann et al., 1987 : 320Catalogue des Cichlides (Pisces, Perciformes, Cichlidae Bonaparte, 1840). Vol. 1. Alphabétique.
| Könings, 1988 b : 39, phot.Tanganjika Cichlids.
| Brichard, 1989 : 396, phot.Pierre Brichard's book of Cichlids and all the other fishes of Lake Tanganyika..
- Perissodus gracilis :
Myers, 1936 a : 6, pl. 1B (junior synonym)Report on the fishes collected by H. C. Raven in Lake Tanganyika in 1920.
| Poll, 1946 : 269 (junior synonym)Révision de la faune ichthyologique du lac Tanganika.
| Poll, 1956 b : 415 (junior synonym)Poissons Cichlidae.
| Liem & Stewart, 1976 : 321, tab. 1, 2 (junior synonym)Evolution of the scale-eating cichlid of Lake Tanganyika : a generic revision with a description of a new species.
| Ufermann et al., 1987 : 320 (junior synonym)Catalogue des Cichlides (Pisces, Perciformes, Cichlidae Bonaparte, 1840). Vol. 1. Alphabétique..
- Perissodus burgeoni :
David, 1936 a : 156 (junior synonym)Contribution à l'étude de la faune ichthyologique du Lac Tanganika.
| David & Poll, 1937 : 270 (junior synonym)Contribution à la faune ichthyologique du Congo belge : collections du Dr. H. Schouteden (1924-1926) et d'autres récolteurs.
| Poll, 1946 : 269, fig. 37, 38 (junior synonym)Révision de la faune ichthyologique du lac Tanganika.
| Marlier, 1954 a En plongée sous les eaux du Lac Tanganyika.
| Marlier, 1954 b : 241 (junior synonym)Recherches hydrobiologiques dans les rivières du Congo Oriental. II. Etude écologique.
| Poll, 1956 b : 415 (junior synonym)Poissons Cichlidae.
| Poll, 1957 a Les genres des poissons d'eau douce de l'Afrique.
| Liem & Stewart, 1976 : 321 (junior synonym)Evolution of the scale-eating cichlid of Lake Tanganyika : a generic revision with a description of a new species.
| Ufermann et al., 1987 : 320 (junior synonym)Catalogue des Cichlides (Pisces, Perciformes, Cichlidae Bonaparte, 1840). Vol. 1. Alphabétique..
- DISTRIBUTION: Lien Faunafri
Behaviour / ethology :
Konings, 1988 b
Tawil, 1986 b
Yanagisawa, 1985
Yanagisawa & Nshombo, 1983
Colour pattern :
Poll, 1956 b
Current distribution known :
Lake Tanganyika
Ecology :
Brichard, 1978 a
Hori et al., 1983
Kawanabe, 1986
Fisheries / overfishing :
Poll, 1952 g.
Food habits_references :
Fryer & Iles, 1972
Hori et al., 1983
Konings, 1988 b
Liem & Stewart, 1976
Nshombo et al., 1985
Poll, 1956 b
Tawil, 1986 b
Growth / growth performance :
Mihigo, 1986
Nshombo et al., 1985
Yanagisawa & Nshombo, 1983
Habits_references :
Coulter, 1966 b
Eccles, 1986 b
Hori et al., 1983
Konings, 1988 b
Kuwamura, 1987
Poll, 1956 b
Morphology / anatomy :
Barel, 1984
Brichard, 1989
Liem & Stewart, 1976
Mihigo, 1986
Pellegrin, 1904 a
Poll, 1956 b
Osteology :
Greenwwod, 1978
Liem & Stewart, 1976
Phylogeny :
Liem & Stewart, 1976
Yamaoka, 1985
Reproduction_references :
Konings, 1988 b
Poll, 1956 b
Yanagisawa, 1985
Yanagisawa & Nshombo, 1983
Size :
110 mm TL
Types :
Perissodus burgeoni David, 1936 a: 156. Type locality: "Nyanza"; Lake Tanganyika. Types MRAC n° 38.892-896.
Perissodus gracilis Myers, 1936 a: 6, pl. 1B. Type locality: "Kigoma, Lake Tanganyika". Holotype USNM n° 84.123; paratypes USNM n° 102.111 (2).
Perissodus microlepis Boulenger, 1898 h: 496 (synopsis)| Boulenger, 1898 e: 21, pl. 6, fig. 2 (full description). Type locality: "Mbity Rocks"; Lake Tanganyika. Holotype BMNH n° 1898.9.9: 61.
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