Gnatholepis cauerensis (Bleeker, 1853) |
Recherche rapide |
- Gnatholepis cauerensis :
Hoese & Winterbottom, 1979 : 4A new species of Lioteres (Pisces, Gobiidae) from Kwazulu, with a revised checklist of South African Gobies and comments on the generic relationships and endemism of Western Indian Ocean Gobiids.
| Whitfield, 1980 : 208A checklist of fish species recorded from Maputoland estuarine systems..
- Gobius ophthalmotaenia :
Bleeker, 1854 d : 46 (junior synonym)Bijdrage tot de kennis der ichthyologische fauna van der eiland Bosroe.
| Günther, 1861 : 37 (junior synonym)Catalogue of the fishes of the British Museum, vol. 3 : Acanthopterygian in the collection.
| Sauvage, 1891 b : 520 (junior synonym)Histoire naturelle des Poissons.
| Weber, 1913 b : 460 (junior synonym)Die Fische der Siboga-Expeditie.
| Barnard, 1927 : 820 (junior synonym)A monograph of the marine fishes of South Africa. Part II. (Teleostei, Discocephali to end. appendix)..
- Gobius capistratus :
Peters, 1855 a : 251, 443 (junior synonym)Uebersicht der in Mossambique beobachteten Seefische.
| Günther, 1861 : 36 (junior synonym)Catalogue of the fishes of the British Museum, vol. 3 : Acanthopterygian in the collection.
| Sauvage, 1891 b : 356, 520, pl. 38, fig. 5 (junior synonym)Histoire naturelle des Poissons.
| Jatzow & Lenz, 1898 : 507 (junior synonym)Fische von Ost-Afrika, Madagaskar und Aldabra.
| Norman, 1922 a : 322 (junior synonym)Three new fishes from Zululand and Natal collected by Mr. H. W. Bell Marley with additions to the fish fauna of Natal.
| Barnard, 1927 : 819 (junior synonym)A monograph of the marine fishes of South Africa. Part II. (Teleostei, Discocephali to end. appendix).
| Smith, 1949 a : 337, pl. 72, fig. 931 (junior synonym)The sea fishes of Southern Africa.
| Koumans, 1953 : 68 (junior synonym)Notes on Gobioid fishes. 6. On the synonymy of sorne
species from the Indo-Australian Archipelago..
- Gobius cauerensis :
Günther, 1861 : 41 (junior synonym)Catalogue of the fishes of the British Museum, vol. 3 : Acanthopterygian in the collection..
- Acentrogobius cauerensis :
Koumans, 1935 : 135 (junior synonym)Notes on Gobioid fishes. 6. On the synonymy of some species from the Indo-Australian Archipelago.
| Koumans, 1953 : 68 (junior synonym)Notes on Gobioid fishes. 6. On the synonymy of sorne
species from the Indo-Australian Archipelago.
| Morrow, 1954 : 815 (junior synonym)Fishes from East Africa, with new records and descriptions of two new species.
| Smith, 1959 b : 202, pl. 11, fig. C-D (junior synonym)Gobioid fishes of the families Gobiidae, Periophthalmidae, Trypauchenidae, Taenioididae and Kraemeriidae of the Western Indian Ocean.
| Smith, 1960 : 307 (junior synonym)Fishes of the family Gobiidae in South Africa.
| Smith, 1975 : 66 (junior synonym)Common and scientific names of the fishes of Southern Africa. Part 1. Marine fishes..
- DISTRIBUTION: Lien Faunafri
Current distribution known :
from East Africa, Transkei northwards, through most Indian Ocean islands and Indonesia to the Philippines and south China
Habitat / home range :
epibenthic, littoral, intertidal, in pools on muddy sand bottom, entering estuaries
Size :
80 mm TL
Types :
Gobius capistratus Peters, 1855 a: 251, 443. Type locality: "Ibo", MozamÂbique. Syntypes (2) ZMB n° 2103.
Gobius cauerensis Bleeker, 1853 c: 269. Type locality: "Cauer", Sumatra. Type RMNH n° 4523.
Gobius ophthalmotaenia Bleeker, 1854 d: 46. Type locality: "Kokos IsÂlands". Type RMNH n° 4526.
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