Gnatholepis cauerensis (Bleeker, 1853) Recherche rapide


  • DISTRIBUTION: Lien Faunafri
  • Current distribution known : from East Africa, Transkei northwards, through most Indian Ocean islands and Indonesia to the Philippines and south China .
  • Habitat / home range : epibenthic, littoral, intertidal, in pools on muddy sand bottom, entering estuaries .
  • Size : 80 mm TL .
  • Types :
    • Gobius capistratus Peters, 1855 a: 251, 443. Type locality: "Ibo", Mozam­bique. Syntypes (2) ZMB n° 2103.
    • Gobius cauerensis Bleeker, 1853 c: 269. Type locality: "Cauer", Sumatra. Type RMNH n° 4523.
    • Gobius ophthalmotaenia Bleeker, 1854 d: 46. Type locality: "Kokos Is­lands". Type RMNH n° 4526.