Labeo rosae Steindachner, 1894 Recherche rapide


  • DISTRIBUTION: Lien Faunafri
  • Colour pattern : Marshall 2011 | Reid,, 1985 | Skelton, 1993b | Skelton, 2001 .
  • Common names : Rooineus-moddervis (Afrikaans), Labeo incomatské (Czech), Rednose labeo (English), Limpopo narmasmokk (Estonian) .
  • Current distribution known : most common in Lowveld reaches of the Limpopo, Incomati and Pongolo systems in South Africa, Mozambique and Swaziland. Described from the upper reaches of the Limpopo System in Botswana .
  • Distribution_references : Marshall 2011 | Reid,, 1985 | Skelton, 1993b | Skelton, 2001 .
  • Food habits : individuals feed on plant material and other animals gathered from rocks, plants or the river bed .
  • Food habits_references : Marshall 2011 | Skelton, 1993b | Skelton, 2001 .
  • Growth / growth performance : Mérona et al., 1988 .
  • Habitat / home range : typically found in main river channels over sandy substrates as well as in dams .
  • Habitat_references : Marshall 2011 | Skelton, 1993b | Skelton, 2001 .
  • Morphology / anatomy : Marshall 2011 | Reid,, 1985 | Skelton, 1993b | Skelton, 2001 | Van Steenberge et al., 1996b .
  • Reproduction_references : Marshall 2011 | Skelton, 1993b | Skelton, 2001 .
  • Size : 400 mm FL .
  • Types :
    • Labeo hamiltoni Gilchrist & Thompson, 1917: 553. Type locality: "Sabi River Game Reserve", Transvaal (Kruger Park). Syntypes (3) SAM n° 13.121.
    • Labeo rosae Steindachner, 1894 a: 457, pl. 5, fig. 1. Type locality: "im Limpopo und dessen linkem Zuflusse, dem grossen Mo-rico im westlichen Transvaal". Holotype NMW.
    • Labeo transvalensis Methuen, 1911: 251, fig. Type locality: "Crocodile River". Syntypes (2) TM n° 10.104-5.