Amphilius krefftii Boulenger, 1911 |
Recherche rapide |
- Amphilius krefftii :
Boulenger, 1911 a : 356, fig. 276Catalogue of the fresh-water fishes of Africa in the British Museum (Natural History).
| Harry, 1953 : 189A contribution to the classification of the african catfishes of the family Amphiliidae, with description of collections from Cameroon.
| Copley, 1958 : 100, 155Common freshwater fishes of East Africa.
| Bailey, 1969 b : 192The non-cichlid fishes of the eastward flowing rivers of Tanzania, East Africa.
| Bernacsek, 1980 : 36Introduction to the freshwater fishes of Tanzania.
| Skelton, 1984 : 67, (synonymy with A. uranoscopus)A systematic revision of species of the catfish genus Amphilius (Siluroidei, Amphillidae) from east and southern Africa.
| Skelton & Teugels, 1986 : 59 (misspelling: A. kreffti) (synonym of Amphilius uranoscopus)33. Amphiliidae.
| Seegers, 1996 : 192 (misspelling: A. kreffti) (synonym of Amphilius uranoscopus)The fishes of the Lake Rukwa drainage.
| Thomson & Page, 2010 : 45, 47, 48, 49, 50, 52, 54, 56, 58, 59, 60, 62, 63, fig. 5Taxonomic revision of the Amphilius uranoscopus group (Teleostei: Siluriformes) in Kenya, with the description of a new species from the Athi River..
- DISTRIBUTION: Lien Faunafri
Current distribution known :
Galana River basin in Kenya; Sigi River, Pangani River and Lake Jipe basins in Tanzania
Size :
208 mm SL
Types :
Amphilius krefftii Boulenger, 1911 a: 356, fig. 276. Type locality: "Usambara, in rivulet running down from Anani Hills to Sigi River" Syntypes (2) BMNH n° 1909.10.19: 26-27.
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