Aphyosemion amoenum Radda & Pürzl, 1976 Recherche rapide


  • DISTRIBUTION: Lien Faunafri
  • Colour pattern : van der Zee et al., 2007b .
  • Common names : Red-finned killi (English), Punaeväviiripyrstö (Finnish), Rotflossen-Prachtkärpfling (German) .
  • Current distribution known : found along the coastal plain from the foot of the southern Cameroon Plateau in the east to Pouma in the west, and between the Sanaga and Nyong Rivers .
  • Food habits : ants and other insects .
  • Habitat / home range : found in rainforest brooks along coastal plains .
  • Reproduction : laying adhesive egg on aquatic plants and roots; eggs diameter: 1.3 mm; 3 weeks incubation .
  • Size : 60 mm TL .
  • Types :
    • Aphyosemion amoenum Radda & Pürzl, 1976: 134, fig. Type locality: "Bach im Regenwald 3,5 km N.N.O. der Abzweigung der Strasse von Sondo nach Bibang von der Strecke Edea-Yaoundé, Ndoup, Kallé-Zufluss, Nyong-System", western central Cameroon (03°53'N-10°40'E). Holotype and paratypes NMYV, registration numbers unknown.