Pseudotolithus senegalensis (Valenciennes, 1833) Recherche rapide


  • DISTRIBUTION: Lien Faunafri
  • Biology : Collignon, 1957, 1960 | Franca, Costa & Franca, 1970 | Longhurst, 1964 a | Longhurst, 1969 a, 1969 b | Troadec, 1968, 1969 .
  • Colour pattern : Bauchot, 1992h | Bauchot, 2003k | Chao & Trewavas, 1981 .
  • Common names : Melusa (Arabic, Hassaniya), Capitan / Captainfish / Cassava croaker / Ladyfish (English), Senegali kaptenkala (Estonian), Ekä / Ekan (Ewe: Togo), Bar / Otolithe nain / Otolithe sénégalais (French), Duadetjo (Ga: Liberia), Caparatte [Jola-Fonyi (Diola): Senegal), Cassava / Simola / Tabassewo (Mandinka: Senegal), Ekan / Nkan / Notsa (Ghana), Corvina / Corvina-branca / Corvina-do-Senegal / Guemba / Rainha / Rainha-senegal (Portuguese), Corvina casava (Spain), Sosoé / Sosoè kondounké (Susu: Guinea), Kassavakväkare (Swedish), Likalala (Vili: Congo), Fëtt / Feute / Tuunuun (Wolof: Senegal) .
  • Condition / length-weight relationship : Ndiaye et al., 2015 | Otogo et al., 2022 .
  • Current distribution known : only along the West African coast, from Morocco to Angola, but rare north of Senegal .
  • Distribution_references : Bauchot, 1992h | Bauchot, 2003k | Chao & Trewavas, 1981 .
  • Fisheries / overfishing : Poinsard, 1969 | Sossoukpé et al., 2013a | Williams, 1968 .
  • Food habits : this species is a vigorous carnivorous predatory feeder, yet the wide range of prey items identified suggests an opportunist feeding behaviour. Moreover, this species also feeds on algae, organic debris and other invertebrates .
  • Food habits_references : Diouf, 1996 | Diouf et al., 2021 | Fagade & Olaniyan, 1973 | Nunoo et al., 2013 | Otogo et al., 2022 .
  • Growth / growth performance : Bayagbona, 1969 a | Etim et al., 1994 | Mahe et al., 2024 | Poinsard & Troadec, 1966 | Sossoukpé et al., 2013a .
  • Habitat / home range : inhabits mud, sandy mud or rock bottoms in coastal waters; smaller individuals usually being found in shallow waters; moves to midwaters when bottom water temperature falls below 18°C; rarely enters estuaries .
  • Habitat_references : Bianchi, 1986 | Chao & Trewavas, 1981 | Diouf, 1996 .
  • Morphology / anatomy : Bauchot, 1992h | Bauchot, 2003k | Chao & Trewavas, 1981 .
  • Mortality : Sossoukpé et al., 2013a .
  • Reproduction : spawning occurs from November to March .
  • Reproduction_references : Chao & Trewavas, 1981 | Diouf, 1996 .
  • Size : 1.000 mm TL .
  • Types :
    • Otolithus senegalensis Valenciennes in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1833: 476. Type locality: "Gorée", Senegal. Holotype MNHN n° 7512.
    • Pseudotolithus macrognathus Bleeker, 1863 a: 61, pl. 13, fig. 2. Type locality: "Ashantee", Ghana. Holotype RMNH n° 753.
    • ? Sciaena dux Bowdich S. in Bowdich, T. E., 1825: 236, fig. 54. Type locality: "R. Gambia". No type material. Species dubia (see Trewavas, 1962 b: 172).