Paramphilius baudoni (Pellegrin, 1928) Recherche rapide


  • DISTRIBUTION: Lien Faunafri
  • Colour pattern : Skelton, 2007a | Skelton, 2007b .
  • Current distribution known : rivers Lokoundjé, Ogowe and Kouilou in respectively Cameroon, Gabon and the Republic of Congo. Also in the Komo River basin in Gabon and the Sangha system (middle Congo River basin) .
  • Habitat / home range : mainly found in soft bottoms in smaller rivers .
  • Morphology / anatomy : Skelton, 2007a .
  • Size : 81 mm TL .
  • Types :
    • Amphilius baudoni Pellegrin, 1928 c: 453. Type locality: "rivière La Passa" Ogowe system. Syntypes (3) MNHN n° 1928-224 to 226 and MRAC n° 20.649.
    • Amphilius baudoni var. uniformis Pellegrin, 1930 a: 200. Type localities: "Rivière Koumbi" Ogowe system and "riv. Sangha", Zaïre system. Syntypes MNHN n° 1929-238 (1) and 1929-239 (5).
    • Paramphilius goodi Harry, 1953: 203, fig. 1-2. Type locality: "Lalodorf, Bikui River, Lokundje River system" Cameroons (45°06.5'S-13°48'E). Holotype CAS (SU) n° 16.970; paratypes CAS(SU) n° 16.971 and MRAC n° 79.172.