Carlarius heudelotii (Valenciennes, 1840) Recherche rapide


  • DISTRIBUTION: Lien Faunafri
  • Aquariology : Seegers, 2008 .
  • Colour pattern : Acero & Betancur-R, 2016 | Daget, 1992 | Daget, 2003 | Seegers, 2008 .
  • Common names : Abrar (Arabic, Hassaniya: Mauritania), Glatmundet havmalle (Danish), Sea catfish / Smooth-mouth sea catfish ¨ Smoothmouth sea catfish ( English), Silesuusäga (Estonian), Turpamerimonni (Finnish), Fin / Kokoté (Fon GBE: Benin), Mâchoiron / Mâchoiron banderille / Poisson chat / Silure (French), Meerwels / Seekatze (German), Foudjiandjiling (Jola-Fonyi: Senegal), Kun kélo (Mandinka: Senegal), | Ebo / Gangangri (Cote d'Ivoire), Kokoté (Togo), Ntchiendo (Congo), Aranha / Bagre / Bagre-boca-lisa / Peixe-gato (Portuguese), Somn se Atlantic (Rumanian), Morskoï (Russian), Kutkudian (Serer-Sine: Senegal), Bagre / Bagre bocalisa / Saballo / Sabalo (Spanish), Konchoé / Konko / Konkoé (Susu: Guinea), Ank / Dakak / Gardj / Kong (Wolof: Mauritania, Senegal) .
  • Condition / length-weight relationship : Etim, 2000 | Simier et al., 2021 .
  • Current distribution known : found in the Eastern Atlantic from Cape Blanc, Mauritania to Gabon and south to northern Angola along the shallow continental shelf. It has also been reported from the lower Niger basin, the Benoue River and Gambia .
  • Distribution_references : Marceniuk & Menezes, 2007 .
  • Food habits : feeds on benthic invertebrates buried in the mud but it can sometimes leave the bottom to capture prey in open water. Prey items include amphipods, shrimp, gastropods and other prey at the surface of the sediment .
  • Food habits_references : Simier et al., 2021 .
  • Genetics : Betancur-R, 2009 .
  • Growth / growth performance : Conand et al., 1995 .
  • Habitat / home range : a marine species entering brackish estuaries along the shallow continental shelf .
  • Habitat_references : Acero & Betancur-R, 2016 | Marceniuk & Menezes, 2007 | Simier et al., 2021 .
  • Morphology / anatomy : Acero & Betancur-R, 2016 | Daget, 1992 | Daget, 2003 | Seegers, 2008 | Taylor & Van Dyke, 1981 .
  • Phylogeny : Betancur-R, 2009 .
  • Reproduction : females bear large eggs which are incubated and develop in the buccal cavity of the males .
  • Reproduction_references : Simier et al., 2021 .
  • Size : 830 mm TL, 8.5 kg .
  • Types :
    • Arius heudelotii Valenciennes in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1840: 73, pl. 428. Type locality: " Sénégal ". Syntypes (2) MNHN n° B.689.
    • Arius mercatoris Poll, 1949 c: 178, 201, fig. 8. Type locality: " 12° 34' N-17° 09' W ", off Guinea Bissao. Holotype ISNB n° 89.
  • Venom glands : rays of the fins are venomous and the wound inflicted is extremely painful .