Marcusenius jacksoni | Recherche rapide |
- Marcusenius jacksoni : Poll, 1967 b : 18, 55, 57, fig. 14 (senior synonym with Paramormyrops jacksoni)Contribution à la faune ichthyologique de l'Angola. Companhia de diamantes de Angola (Museo do Dundo). | Gosse, 1984 d : 107 (synonym of Paramormyrops jacksoni) (senior synonym with Paramormyrops jacksoni)16. Mormyridae. | Rich et al., 2017 : 625 (synonym of Paramormyrops jacksoni) (senior synonym with Paramormyrops jacksoni)Rediscovery and description of Paramormyrops sphekodes (Sauvage, 1879) and a new cryptic Paramormyrops (Mormyridae: Osteoglossiformes) from the Ogooué River of Gabon using morphometrics, DNA sequencing and electrophysiology..