Micralestes congicus Poll, 1967 | Recherche rapide |
- Micralestes congicus : Poll, 1967 a : 44, 46-48, fig. 5Révision des Characidae nains africains. | Géry, 1977 : 30Characoids of the World. | Paugy, 1984 : 17526. Characidae. | Boden, 2024 l : 38Micralestes Boulenger, 1899..
- DISTRIBUTION: Lien Faunafri
- Current distribution known : only known from the Ruki River drainage (middle Congo River basin) in Democratic Republic of the Congo .
- Size : 64 mm SL .
Types :
- Micralestes congicus Poll, 1967 a: 44, 46-48, fig. 5. Type locality: "Bokuma". Holotype MRAC n° 96.582; paratypes MRAC n° 96.583-584, 153.747.