Micralestes lualabae Poll, 1967 |
Recherche rapide |
- Micralestes lualabae :
Poll, 1967 a : 44-45, fig. 6Révision des Characidae nains africains.
| Géry, 1977 : 29Characoids of the World.
| Paugy, 1984 : 17626. Characidae.
| Zanata & Vari, 2005 : 40, 49, 57, 59, 92, 94, 98, 99, 103, 105, 108, 109, 113, 134, 137, 140, 143The family Alestidae (Ostariophysi, Characiformes): a phylogenetic analysis of a trans-Atlantic clade.
| Arroyave & Stiassny, 2011 : 388, 391, 392, 393Phylogenetic relationships and the temporal context for the diversification of African characins of the family Alestidae (Ostariophysi: Characiformes): Evidence from DNA sequence data.
| Lenglin, 2022 : 14, 33Histoire évolutive et biogéographie des poissons Characiformes (Actinopterygii, Ostariophysii) par une approche phylogénomique.
| Boden, 2024 l : 39Micralestes Boulenger, 1899..
- DISTRIBUTION: Lien Faunafri
Current distribution known :
lower Congo River in Republic of Congo, and the middle Congo River, Ruki, Itimbiri, Aruwimi, Lindi-Tshopo, Wagenia Falls and Lualaba in Democratic Republic of the Congo
Genetics :
Arroyave & Stiassny, 2011
Lenglin, 2022
Osteology :
Zanata & Vari, 2005
Phylogeny :
Arroyave & Stiassny, 2011
Lenglin, 2022
Zanata & Vari, 2005
Size :
92 mm TL
Types :
Micralestes lualabae Poll, 1967 a: 44-45, fig. 6. Type locality: "Kindu, River Lualaba". Holotype MRAC n° 70.201; paratypes MRAC n° 70.202-218, 70.194-200, 70.219-227, 70.228-233| Géry, 1977: 29.
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