Brycinus rhodopleura (Boulenger, 1906) |
Recherche rapide |
- Alestes macrolepidotus (non Valenciennes) :
Boulenger, 1898 e : 25 (misapplied)Report on the collection of fishes made by Mr. J. E. S. Moore in lake Tanganyika during his expedition 1895-1896, with an appendix by J. E. S. Moore.
| Boulenger, 1901 p : 143 (misapplied)Third contribution to the ichthyology of lake Tanganika. Report on the collection of fishes made by Mr. J. E. S. Moore in lakes Tanganika and Kivu during his second expedition, 1899-1900..
- Alestes macrolepidotus (partim) :
Boulenger, 1901 q : 158 (misapplied)Les poissons du bassin du Congo..
- Alestes rhodopleura :
Boulenger, 1906 k : 547, pl. XXX, fig. 3 (senior synonym)Fourth contribution to the ichthyology of lake Tanganika. Report on the collection of fishes made by Dr. W. A. Cunnington during the third Tanganika expedition 1904-1905.
| Boulenger, 1909 a : 218-219, fig. 164 (senior synonym)Catalogue of the fresh-water fishes of Africa in the British Museum (Natural History).
| Cockerell, 1910 b : 4 (senior synonym)The scales of the African Cyprinid Fishes, with a discussion of related Asiatic and European species.
| Boulenger, 1911 n : 16 (senior synonym)L'état présent de nos connaissances sur la faune ichthyologique du bassin du Congo.
| Boulenger, 1920 b : 35 (senior synonym)Poissons de la mission Stappers 1911-1913 pour l'exploration hydrographique et biologique des lacs Tanganika et Moéro.
| Cunnington, 1920 : 524 (senior synonym)The fauna of the African lakes : a study in comparative limnology with special reference to Tanganyika.
| Pellegrin, 1926 m : 420 (senior synonym)Les Characinidés du Congo.
| David, 1936 a : 150 (senior synonym)Contribution à l'étude de la faune ichthyologique du Lac Tanganika.
| Worthington & Ricardo, 1936 b : 1066, 1075, 1082 (senior synonym)The fish of Lake Tanganyika (other than Cichlidae).
| David & Poll, 1937 : 264 (senior synonym)Contribution à la faune ichthyologique du Congo belge : collections du Dr. H. Schouteden (1924-1926) et d'autres récolteurs.
| Poll, 1946 : 175 (senior synonym)Révision de la faune ichthyologique du lac Tanganika.
| Hulot, 1950 b : 161 (senior synonym)Le régime alimentaire des poissons du Centre africain. Intérêt éventuel de ces poissons en vue d'une zootechnie économique au Congo belge.
| Poll, 1952 g : 115, 158, fig. 6 e (senior synonym)Résultats scientifiques de l'Exploration Hydrobiologique du Lac Tanganika (1946-47). Introduction : les vertébrés.
| Poll, 1953 a : 6, 62-65, pl. II, fig. 2-3 (senior synonym)Poissons non Cichlidae. Exploration Hydrobiologique du Lac Tanganika (1946-1947)..
- Brycinus rhodopleura :
Myers, 1929 : 5Cranial differences in the African characin fishes of the genera Alestes and Brycinus, with notes on the arrangement of related genera.
| Géry, 1968 d : 183, 184, 190Un essai de systématique quantitative : la classification des espèces du genre Alestes s. lat. (Pisces, Characoidei).
| Géry, 1977 : 23Characoids of the World.
| Paugy, 1986 : 238-243, fig. 54Rvision systmatique des Alestes et Brycinus africains (Pisces, Characidae).
| Murray & Stewart, 2002 : 1891, 1892, 1894, 1895, 1898Phylogenetic relationships of the African genera Alestes and Brycinus (Teleostei, Characiformes, Alestidae).
| Stiassny et al., 2023 : 599Phylogenomics and morphology of the African fish genus Brycinus with revalidation of Brachyalestes and description of a new species from the Congo basin (Teleostei: Alestidae).
| Boden & Merxem, 2024 b : 30Brycinus Valenciennes, 1850..
- Alestes macrolepidotus rhodopleura :
Hoedeman, 1951 a : 5 (senior synonym)Studies on African characid fishes. 1. The tribe Alestidi..
- DISTRIBUTION: Lien Faunafri
Common names :
Tanganjika kardsalmler (Estonian: Estonia); Kologo, Kolokolo (Swahili: Tanzania)
Current distribution known :
known from Lake Tanganyika and the Malagarazi River
Distribution_references :
Paugy, 1986
Food habits_references :
Hulot, 1950 b
Paugy, 1986
Poll, 1953 a
Worthington & Ricardo, 1936 b
Morphology / anatomy :
Boulenger, 1909 a
Murray & Stewart, 2002
Paugy, 1986
Poll, 1946
Poll, 1953 a
Osteology :
Murray & Stewart, 2002
Phylogeny :
Murray & Stewart, 2002
Reproduction_references :
Paugy, 1986
Poll, 1953 a
Scales :
Cockerell, 1910 b
Size :
300 mm SL
Types :
Alestes rhodopleura Boulenger, 1906 k: 547, pl. XXX, fig. 3. Type locality: "Tanganyika". Holotype BMNH n° 1898.9.9: 79.
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