Luciobarbus labiosa | Recherche rapide |
- Luciobarbus labiosa : Machordom & Doadrio, 2001 a Evolutionary history and speciation modes in the cyprinids genus Barbus. | Tsigenopoulos et al., 2003 Rapid radiation of the Mediterranean Luciobarbus species (Cyprinidae) after the Messinian salinity crisis of the Mediterranean Sea, inferred from mitochondrial phylogenetic | Levin et al., 2012 Phylogenetic relationships of the algae scraping cyprinid genus Capoeta (Teleostei: Cyprinidae). | Geiger et al., 2014 Spatial heterogeneity in the Mediterranean biodiversity hotspot affects barcoding accuracy of its freshwater fishes. | Yang et al., 2015 Phylogeny and polyploidy: resolving the classification of cyprinine fishes (Teleostei: Cypriniformes)..