Pomadasys commersonnii (Lacépède, 1801) Recherche rapide


  • DISTRIBUTION: Lien Faunafri
  • Colour pattern : McKay, 1984 .
  • Common names : Gespikkelde-knorder (Afrikaans), Nagroor / Nagrur (Arabic), Smaplettet gryntefisk (Danish), Grunter / Small spotted grunter / Smallspoted grunt / Smallspotted grunter / Spotted grunter (English), Grondeur moucheté (French), Coin-coin / Croum-croum (Malagasy), Vosavosa (Malagasy, Sakalava), Hlanguane / Khokho / Roncador (Portuguese), Matako-tuurey (Somali: Somalia), Corocoro arvejado (Spanish), Pamamba (Swahili: Kenya) .
  • Condition / length-weight relationship : Harrison, 2001 | Torres, 1991 .
  • Current distribution known : found along the east coast of Africa (including Madagascar), and from the Gulf of Aden to Pakistan, India .
  • Distribution_references : McKay, 1984 | Whitefield, 1998 .
  • Fisheries / overfishing : Naesje et al., 2007 .
  • Food habits : in South Africa,newly recruited juveniles prey mainly on pelagic copepods and mysids. This important angling species is primarily crepuscular and nocturnal, foraging predominantly on benthic dwelling anomurans and bivalves. Mud prawns Upogebia africana are extracted from their burrows using a gill chamber pump action .
  • Food habits_references : Marais, 1984 | McKay, 1984 | Sommer et al., 1996 | Whitefield, 1998 | Whitfield, 1985 .
  • Growth / growth performance : Whitefield, 1998 .
  • Habitat / home range : in coastal waters, estuaries and tidal zones .
  • Habitat_references : McKay, 1984 | Sommer et al., 1996 | Whitefield, 1998 .
  • Morphology / anatomy : McKay, 1984 | Whitefield, 1998 .
  • Reproduction : in South Africa, most males are mature by 30 cm and females by 36 cm SL. Spawning usually occurs at sea between August and December although breeding has been recorded in the marine dominated Durban Bay. Viable eggs have also been collected in the St Lucia system during August and September. Partially spawned fish penetrate short distances into estuaries and on rare occasions ripe-running specimens seem to stray into this environment from adjacent spawning areas. Most adults that enter estuaries do so in a post-spawning condition. The egg and larval development occur at sea with juveniles first entering estuarine nursery areas at 20-30 mm TL. In certain Eastern Cape estuaries, juveniles less than 50 mm SL are abundant in the upper reaches during the summer months, often extending their distribution into fresh water .
  • Reproduction_references : Whitefield, 1998 .
  • Size : 500 mm TL .
  • Types :
    • Labrus commersonnii Lacépède, 1801 : 1801: 431, 477, pl. 23, fig. 1. Type locality: Grand golfe de l'Inde (rivers of Madagascar). No types known.
    • Pristipoma operculare Playfair & Günther, 1866: 24, pl. 4, fig. 1. Type locality: "Aden". No information on the type.