Brachyalestes epuluensis (Decru et al., 2016) |
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Colour pattern :
Decru et al., 2016
Current distribution known :
endemic to the Epulu River and its affluents (DRC)
Dentition :
Decru et al., 2016
Morphology / anatomy :
Decru et al., 2016
Size :
109.8 mm SL
Types :
Brycinus epuluensis Decru, Vreven, Sadio & Snoeks, 2016: 55-57, fig. 4, 5. Type locality: Ituri basin: Edoro River, upstream of the bridge, near the research camp at Edoro-Afarama, affluent of Epulu River, DRC (1°33'01"N-28°30'41"E). Holotype MRAC 2009.029.P.0612; paratypes MRAC 2009.029.P.0613, MRAC 2009.029.P.0573-0575.
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